[center][color=BlueViolet][h1] Nine [/h1][/color][/center] [hr] With the captain back on her feet, Nine returned to her wall away form the others. Still listening and watching as the conversation continued. When mentioned she had taken care of the trackers, Nines looked at the captain intently wondering how she manged that. It was when Aksel produced Nine I.D card, Nine tail began to thrash around wildly showing the amount of angry the Ukai was feeling. Instinctively her hand reach for her pistol, Nine very tempted to draw and use it on her captain. Knowing that morally she could kill her right now and not dishonor herself. [color=BlueViolet]"Thieving little Strish'ak. Just because your afraid to bare the dishonor of treason, you force me to bare it. After already forcing me to stay on this ship, your nothing but a pathetic coward. Once my debt to you is paid, you'd had best watch your back. Until then I have no choice but to assist you, but I'm not doing anything more the I'kasn necessary."[/color] Nine stated in her races mono tone which she was sure didn't convey her anger very well. Marching up to the table she took her card and went back to her wall. While headed back Nine opened up her jumpsuit a little and shoved the card inside. closing up her jumpsuit Nine went back to listening to the conversation muttering under her breath about how much she hoped that Cu sold the captain into slavery. Once the captain stopped talking, Nine stepped closer to the group. [color=BlueViolet] Captain, it would be cheaper to simply strip out the trackers form this vessel then to buy one. Good ships on nomad are hard to find and not cheap, but if really want a new ship my contact will know someone. Also if you plan on me actually getting us to Nomad alive. I'll need the radar unless you like flying into a pirate infested nebula blind. As I don't and won't without the radar. A second pair of eyes would help too."[/color] Nine stated looking at the captain for a moment, the urge to shoot her was plaguing Nine's thoughts. Resisting the urge Nine went back over to her wall and sat down. She planned on watching the captain get beaten black and blue, given she had nothing else to do that and it would please Nine to see Aksel get hurt given she deserved it. Although if something else presented itself to occupy the Ukai chances where she'd take it. While someone was being picked to beat the captain, Nine shoot a look at Pax wondering what like working with the picker. Nine not having had much to do with Pax, but had observed her a little more then the others, in person and on the security system as she proved to be the most amusing. Nine found it funny she not had a lot to do with her soon to be companion given the ship wasn't exactly large enough to avoid someone. [Strish'ak in this context = whore] [I'kasn = fucking]