[@Starfall] The only one being childish is the one arguing on behalf of someone else, telling me someone else's opinions without the other person's commentary. You're giving me no indication that this is actually their point of view, because they aren't here. You're telling me that I'm offending them, telling me that this is their opinion. Yet at no point in time have I seen that this is their opinion. Your only argument that withholds is that I'm putting my own opinion over their comfort. But I haven't SEEN any discomfort. I haven't SEEN them being offended. What I have seen is my perspective of their character being classified as rude and "childish" by someone who refuses to refute my central point. What I have seen is my patience running thin with this argument, and I'm about to reach the point where I state my true opinions on the matter. And worst of all, what I have seen is Ad Hominem with your direct attempt at calling me childish for having an opinion that differs from yours.