The world is filled with power. Recovered from a blast that obliterated a forth of it a little over one hundred years prior, New Ragelna is home to many a superhero who brought it up to new heights. At the center of that blast, literally, was an individual now known as Invincible Girl. The blast's sole survivor. The main suspect at the time. But now released for three years, she's already proven herself to be an asset to the populous as a force for good. Perhaps she wasn't the culprit after all. But if so, who was? With normal life resumed and heroes beating up villains left and right, people have become more lax and complacent. The technological superhero, Techno Star, has developed something special that's currently being held in the Hero's Vault for safe keeping, announced to be revealed to the world next weekend. They didn't think anyone would dare swoop out of nowhere in order to smash through the guards and any visiting heroes who happened to be there. Well, that's exactly what happened. Invincible Girl, training to be a normal person at the time, caught wind of the surprise attack and would soon come to their aid.