[h1][color=mediumaquamarine]Evelyn[/color][/h1] Evelyn had just stepped out of a shower, deciding to let her body dry naturally as she walked around her apartment. It was plain and simple, not much decoration to it. Admittedly, there were very few nights she actually slept here, as opposed to in the bed of some stranger. She sat down in an armchair, one of the few pieces of furniture in the building. She let out a sigh, rolling her neck a little. She hadn't managed to find a companion for last night, the club she usually picked people up from being closed, and the bar being dead quiet. It left her feeling... empty. In both a literal and metaphorical sense. A psychologist could probably pick apart her habits and label her with any number of conditions. That was why she had never visited one. She was happy with her life. And she was doing good in the world, or at least from her point of view. She gave pleasure to many, and in return she got pleasure herself. There was a knock at the door, rousing Evelyn from her thoughts. She walked over and opened it up, staring at the postman with eyes that revealed nothing. He gaped a little as he saw what she was wearing, or rather, what she wasn't, as he held out the small letter. She opened it and read it quickly, paying no attention to the drooling postman. [i][color=mediumaquamarine]'Oskar the Undying? What a silly name. Well, I guess I'll have to take a business trip,'[/color][/i] She mused, before turning away and walking inside, leaving the door open. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Aren't you coming in?"[/color] She called over her shoulder, grinning when she heard the slam of the door and the sound of clothes being removed.