"You can be yourself around me. I won't tell." Oliver offered when Sanguine admitted that she was already exhausted from putting on an act for their underlings. She got over it pretty quickly though, almost like she was trying out his own technique of not worrying about things. Not long after that, Jeeves returned with the Guild Master's order, and breakfast got started in earnest. It didn't last very long, of course, and almost the instant the Paladin's fork hit the plate for the last time, his companion was barking orders. Then, just as quickly, the vampire declared that she was running off to the portal room while he got ready. "I'm not going to run around in my pjs." he assured the woman, "But how are we going to take a carriage if we're using the portal?" Oliver wasn't convinced that a carriage could be manoeuvred into the portal room, let alone get through the portal. Then again, he supposed that Sanguine was probably just going to scout their destination and their path one last time before they departed. He decided not to hurt himself by thinking too hard, and headed for his quarters to get properly dressed. On his way, the Paladin stopped the first servant he came across. "Go find Jan, tell him to prepare the colours and rally around the carriage Jeeves is preparing." he didn't wait for confirmation, and just carried on his journey, before a second thought had him stopping the next servant he ran across. Lucky for him, they seemed to be everywhere. "Find Garreth, tell him that the Guild Master and I are going out, and that he is in charge of the defence while we are gone." again he didn't wait for confirmation, he just slipped into his rooms and began getting ready. In his typical fashion, the only real armour he wore was a short gambeson and a brigandine. Some questioned his choices, but when they saw how fast he could move in the surprisingly light armour, they stopped pretty quickly. And since he wasn't really focused on using his massive sword, speed was the most important aspect of his fighting style. Once he was ready, he strapped on the giant weapon that channelled his magic, and headed for the portal room, wondering what Sanguine had cooked up...