Having been jolted awake by the sound of the driver, she looked over to Noah who cutely had his head peering out over the blanket's edge. He said something that made her focus all the more on him. Something about it being time to go. That was what had woken her up. Her return hello was delayed as she blinked toward him. She then looked to him confused in a sleepy way as if she was going to ask something at first, but then crumpled down to lay her head back down on the floor. She cleared her throat a moment later and then cracked her eyes open toward him. She loved him so much and just wanted to roll on top of him and kiss him, but she kept her distance. Finally her voice crept out. "Were...were you touching me when I slept? I had a dream you were...I don't know...just doing something." She couldn't tell if it was all in her head or if he actually was doing something, but he looked curiously awake there next to her, where she was usually the more alert one in the morning right after waking. While it was more accurate to say she was the highly functional waker, she was not really awake until much later. She still could play it off though that she was very awake. It didn't seem to bother her in the least as she laid back on her back, bringing her hands to her bare waist to play across her skin by her belly button. Soon she would have to get dressed and go attain some breakfast for herself and Noah. She just hoped they had enough time to cook their own food so they didn't have to eat the cook's. It wasn't that he was horrible. It was just that she cooked much better.