Thanks so much! Below is my CS for viewing :) [hider=Akihiro Kobayashi]Name: Akihiro Kobayashi Age: 24 Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 6’0 Weight: 180lbs Likes: World history, Cheeseburgers, Intellectually stimulating conversation, Books, Dramatic films, Violin Dislikes: Bigotry, Hamburgers without cheese, Cruelty, Heavy Metal Party trick: Able to recite lines from Greek Mythology and Japanese mythology on the spot Profession: Teaching Assistant for the Humanities program at Shine City Academy Bio/Personality: Raised in the rural countryside, Akihiro had a rather pleasant life with his hard working parents, who worked their small plot of family owned land and sold their goods at various markets for a decent living. While he enjoyed the freedom of roaming around the family property with his brother and two sisters, the agricultural lifestyle didn’t have the same draw that it did for his other siblings. He occupied his time with the tomes of mythology and history that were passed down by his grandfather. Noticing that his son was spending so much time buried in books, Akihiro’s father proclaimed that he would send the boy off to university as long as he maintained his workload around the farm and continued to excel in school. Akihiro worked tirelessly to maintain a near perfect set of grades throughout secondary school and to help out around the home, applying to as many universities as he could in his spare moments. It was when he turned seventeen that Shine City Academy replied back to his application, stating that he would be accepted into their collegiate studies program. After saying goodbye to the family, Akihiro was off. Seven years seemed to fly by, Akihiro growing from a wide-eyed boy fresh from the country to a refined young man with charisma and charm. He had gained a few close friends, experienced some of the best that Shine City had to offer and decided that he would follow in the footsteps of his professors, going down the path of scholar and professor himself. After completing his undergraduate degree at 22, he rolled right into the graduate program for Humanities, earning the position of teaching assistant. With only a year left in his program, Akihiro is beginning to realize that his life as a student will soon close... Theme song: Erase the Pain-Time is Up [url][/url] [/hider]