[quote=@Narcotic Dollie] [@freedomliveson] Hello, darlin', I'm glad to know you're so excited to play with us! 1. Yes, your character does have to be approved first and usually the CSs stay in the OOC until we've given the players the green light to move them over to the character tab (This rule does not affect players from previous Shine City Seasons). That being said, Akihiro seems fine, though I would like to see more likes and dislikes if you just want to humor me (I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. :3 ). You're fine to jump into the game whenever you want! 2. However you want to, it's really a personal preference. I tend to like to put my characters in their own little spot and then when other characters show up I try and take the first move and interact first, just because I know some players are shy when it comes to interacting in the beginning. ^.^ I say just stick him somewhere (people are at the cornerstone, club lush, the casino, and the Mochavine I believe) and find someone to chat up! 3. Usually at the start of the game everyone is separate and little clusters of characters meet here and there, but I think we try and have a big event where everyone can get together every season. This season I was thinking a carnival, but I think some people came up with the idea of everyone winning tickets to a beach resort somehow or something? I'll come back to that in a minute. XD 4. We keep each season open as long as there is interest! The first season went about two months and the second one went about four! Anything else I can help you figure out? :3 ---------- Hey guys, I've been thinking about what we could do this season to get everyone together and I think at one point someone suggested everyone wins tickets to a weekend resort or something? [@Dynamo Frokane] is this something you think is a good idea or did you want to do something smaller? What are everyone's thoughts? [@Adelynn Ryder][@Azaria Blue][@ClocktowerEchos][@MyCatGinger][@Delta44][@Ophidian][@Knight of Doom][@Takashi][@Section][@Stern Algorithm][@Specter189][@Jay Kalton][@Haeo][@Verdaux][@Saarebas][@Damiann47][@Evil Snowman][@Bozo][@BeastofDestiny][@Silver Fox][@sakurasan][@Daxam][@Sarcelle Renard][@Claw2k11][@Chaotic Chao][@freedomliveson] [/quote] Sounds cool. Ash shall be happy xD [s]Hug all the people[/s]