[i]Well, it can't hurt to play along[/i] "T-thank you.", Aiko sits down carefully. She presses her knees together, shoulders inwards, hands thrust between her thighs in a defensive pose. She struggles to keep her head up and maintain eye contact. Shy and awkward. "My name is Hoshizora Aiko. I'm a 16-year-old high school student who just transferred to Uchima Senior High a couple blocks from here. My hobbies are reading, visiting shrines, and keeping up with fashion trends. I have confidence in my ability to fulfill the archaic dialect requirements, since I w-" [i]Watching period dramas doesn't count.[/i] She coughs. "-I, er, read a lot of old literature, you see. I'm a big fan of Mr. Shiga's work, especially. As for cleaning- well, my parents were... They'd always come home really late, after I'd gone to bed, so I got pretty good at doing housework. Mostly cleaning up for my parents while they were away and taking care of myself, but I can do some cooking, too. My best dish is fried rice noodles... Ah, but I'm getting off topic here. Throughout middle school, me and... I was the most commonly picked for cleanup duty, as well. I guess something carried over, there." [i]More like I was too much of a pushover to say no.[/i] "A-anyway, I'd, uh, I'm not bragging or anything, but I'd say I'm fairly skilled at general housework, moreso than most girls my age. To be honest, I hadn't managed to get an apartment in time for my transfer so, uh, my life is in your hands, so to speak."