[color=gray][h1]Lena[/h1][/color] It was the middle of the night. The streets were quiet and illuminated only at every street corner with flickering lamps. In a city like this, most would cower in their homes or set curfew for their kids with the hope of preventing muggings and other petty crimes. These were the hours in which a certain powerful immortal is most awake. Lena was not afraid, not with a mace swinging at her side, guns strapped to her back and leg, and the ability to burn things with a flick of the wrist. The sight of her, wearing all black and staying in the shadows, could chill anyone to the bone. That is, if they didn't notice the bag of Chinese takeout dangling from her fist. That, and she was bobbing her head to some kind of upbeat music, loud enough to be heard by someone ten feet away, but indiscernible. She disappeared into the doorway of an apartment building, leaving the street empty and quiet again. A loud bang reverberated through the apartment as Lena kicked her way through the door, leaving an even deeper dent in the wall. It was nearly pitch black, forcing her to flip the light switch before proceeding into the kitchen. The aroma of Chinese food filled the air almost as soon as the box was opened, and Lena's mouth watered with hunger. Just as she was about to sit down, an envelope fell off the counter onto her lap. That was the only piece of mail she found in her mailbox that morning. It was from no one she recognized, which prompted her to abandon it as she went about her daily business. Now that she had time, Lena ripped the top open and pulled out the written note. [color=gray]"What the fuck?"[/color] After scanning it through twice and fully reading it once, Lena tossed it in the shredder with a frown. [color=gray]"What kind of stupid ass name is 'Oskar the Undying'?"[/color] Of course, she was packed and ready to go the next morning.