[center][color=9e0b0f][h1]The First Day[/h1][/color] The players have just been told the solid truth about their situation. They was now trapped in this world, should they be unplugged, or should they die. they will die in real life. They was forever trapped in this world of Summoners A-rise. Most players had gone for majority of the day before it was realized they could not log out. Most of the more professional players would take off and get ahead of other players planning on completing this world in no time flat. While other players who it was more of a shock to both those who have yet to get their summons and those who have gotten them, would remain in the first town stunned from the revelations. [color=9e0b0f][h2]The Second Day[/h2][/color] Those who haven't gotten their summons (our rpers) have now started to take the quest to gain their summons. They have collected the resources required and have started the rituals at the end of the quest. Each summon will have their own unique forms of arrival, some could erupt from the ground, some could form out of something, and so on. Each one to their own advices. This was the first meeting between these summoners and their summons, would it be a great meeting, or would it be a bad first impression. for all those have what they want to get for their summon partner while others get ones entirely different from they imagined. find out now! [/center]