[h1][color=red][center]Alex[/center][/color][/h1] Alexander coughed violently as he escaped the smokey, burning, and collapsing building. As far as he could tell everyone had gotten out safely. After he recovered a little he looked at the scene before him. There were about three groups of champions, all of them engaged in various battles or about to begin them. And Alexander had no idea what was going on. Hell it looked like everyone was transforming into actual champions which just made things more confusing. Rather than trying to join a side that may or may not be in the wrong Alexander sat down and cut a sleeve off his shirt, wrapping the up a small cut that he'd gotten on his arm. When had his life gotten so crazy? [hr] [center][color=silver][h1]Artemis[/h1][/color][/center] Artemis frowned at the man's interjection. [color=silver]"Anytime someone plays the role of villian you can be sure someone will play the role of hero."[/color] Unbidden the words of Raze came back to her as a reminder, perhaps because she could seem him fighting for his life against Thresh and Urgot. She shook her head. [color=silver]"Therefore I must ask you to stop playing the role of villian."[/color] Confidently Artemis stode forward towards the mix of malformed champions ahead of her, staring down the gunman as she walked forward, the moonlight she'd gathered thus far swirling around her in tangible form. She fully expected him to shoot her. Just as she fully expected that she would be able to stop it. Which was ridiculous really. She had no idea how powerful she or her moonlight was, making her confidence fully unwarranted. Still, Artemis refused to do nothing in this situation, it was clear who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Perhaps a vigilante hero team wasn't called for, but this wasn't the same thing. This were merely doing the right thing.