[center][h3][b][color=007236]Ny Tem || Casual Section || Bumpin into Cynder[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=007236]Interacting with:[@Cynder][/color][/b][/center] Ever since the new expansion for the guild dropped, it was pretty chaotic. Seemed like it was an invasion event, and every single person on the server was going to take part in the fight against the new enemy, the K-Bots. Hell, they even had someone broadcasting information on where all the major battles were taking place. Ny Tem would have joined the event earlier, but he had been busy stuffing everything possible into his pack in perpetration. Seemed a bit odd he could carry dozens of swords in there, along with trail rations, water, and several armor sets, but hey, Ny Tem wasn't complaining. The rulebook said he wasn't out of inventory slots yet, so who cared? Ny tem, being on the roof of an apartment building, could see explosions off in the distance. It must have been all of those operations the [i][b]Terminal[/b][/i] had been talking about. Either the players of RPG were finally making a counter offensive, or they were getting their asses handed to them by the machines. To be honest, he had little faith that RPG would be able to contain the threat for long. Too many mobs fr everyone to handle. God damn, didn't the person that dropped this expansion do some beta testing? [color=007236]"Fucking buggy releases..."[/color] It wouldn't be the first time anyway, but Ny Tem would have to deal with it anyway until the mods decided to patch the broken game mode. Which would probably be months. Unless the community bitched about it enough, maybe something would be done within the week. Who knows? Maybe the mods would even shut down the expansion until further notice. However, his thoughts were interrupted as a loud knock and screaming pierced the air. [color=9e0b0f]"I swear to god if there's a fucking squatter up there!"[/color] Well shit. It was only a matter of time before the landlord figured out there was a hobo on his roof. Well, looks like Ny Tem would have to stealth his way outta this one. He took out his mystical D20s and rolled for his stealth check and acrobatics check. The first die stopped on 20. [color=007236]"NOICE!"[/color] Now all Ny Tem would need was a good acrobat- He got a 1. [color=007236]"... Goodbye world."[/color] Ny Tem merely stepped rolled the roof stealthily, screamed all the way down stealthily, and finally smacked into the ground stealthily. There was no noise to indicate his suffering, his pain. Luckily Ny Tem's armor took most of the brunt of the fall, so he was just bruised, nothing broken just yet. Ny Tem brushed off the dust and dirt he had gathered from the fall, which was when he looked up and noticed Cynder was right in front of him. [color=007236]"Oh. Long time no see eh? You're Cynder right?" [/color]Ny Tem saw she had packed things as well, most likely because of the invasion. [color=007236]"Going to fight on the front lines too? Last I remember you were more of the running type."[/color]