Doverrick huff and continued to explore onward the areas for a while. The chill weather of it, rather being quite uncomfortable to himself especially with the breeze blowing by and past. Well, less a breeze rather than a dangerous and blizzard like gale. If Doverrick had the coin or the material the outfit being adorned would be more than a simple single layered long skirt being blown about and forced back against his ankles. This weather was definitely not a welcoming for him and thus some internal cursing was being done to relieve it if only for a time. According to some chatter and information obtained through a good ear and reading of other’s exploits in letter there was a ley-line somewhere around here and possibly so kind of owner of it. Doverrick had rather known very little about the said person but that was of no point really. If hopes he could try and use the ley-line for himself in order to held elsewhere to better himself and go further on his journey. The information as to where he should actually go or at least start would be rather valuable and perhaps to be begged out of some other traveler or someone nearby the ley-line. He had rather not thought to deeply about it before hand besides wanting to escape a feeling of nothingness for time, and now he was joining into the numbness of cold that ate away at him. The cold was growing more and more unbearable for a time so instead of standing out in it Dovverick rather aimed for another more comfortable option. He gathered together his thoughts and mind and drew in power from elsewhere forcing it to take form and effect. He soon was slipping into the ground and earth below, a few feet below the surface in order to make the rest of the travel. The direction in which to travel was simply straight ahead, was it not? He proceeded in the said direction at a rather slow pace as if attempting to wade or walk through water. Doverrick rather felt or imagined that something had occurred or disturbed the ground in an shake like manner but dismissed such as he slowly carried onward. Taking only sometime and briefly breaks in between walking along. He took a moment of focus more and rather hesitantly began to arise out of the ground. Only a bit fearful for that there may be a disruption or attack of some sort on the surface but doubting such. He would rather surface from the ground lucking in the direction of a destroyed village and near at least two people. It seemed there was an attack of some sort as from what Doverrick overhead it seemed one of the others was glad that the other had survived it. The devastation left behind of a village rather pointed to some sort of attack as well, Doverrick was assuming. It was of no real concern to him was it? Although, whom or what had done it and was it possible to do such devastation so quickly, what power would be required for it and how could it be obtained? It may be, of used for even more chaotic or perhaps insane goals.. “Hrmph..” the hyena of sorts began to smirk, with hope.