Elann nodded a little to him. She knew it didn't make sense that she was cold, but she was. She had some strange temperature regulation in her body that must have helped her survive the desert and live comfortably where others would be roasted alive. That regulation didn't carry over to the much colder lands between Syliras and Zeltiva. Elann nodded and playfully whined when he said he was nice and warm. It was a sleepy whine and she scrunched up her nose to him in protest of his play. "Give this warmth to me." With her demand, she reached out to tickle at his neck and other spots that wouldn't cause him too much pain until he gave it to her; repeating her demand as she did. That longing in her eyes was further pressed toward him by her giving a tug on their bond. He was dulling it, but she wondered if he could feel the tug. She wanted him closer, like a blanket if possible. If he finally submitted, one of her hands would come up above her head to support her own neck and she would bring up a finger from her other hand to beckon him to her with it in a curling motion. It was a little seductive, and Elann had forgotten all about Aimee potentially being there, and honestly didn't care. If Aimee grew uncomfortable with the two's actions, she could hop out. Elann was trying to spend time and repair her bond with her husband.