[center][h3][b][color=violet]Cynder || Casual; Streets || Four And A Half Hours After Bot Attacks[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=violet]Interacting with:[/color][/b] [@Nytem4re] [sup][color=violet][b]Status:[/b][/color] "A thousand disbelievers couldn't keep me on the ground, I've invented a momentum that'll never slow me down." - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5fLRRklByI]Anything[/url], Hedley[/sup] [/center] [hr][hr] As Cynder walked through the streets of Casual, her sensitive ears kept twitching and slumping further downwards. The sound of gunfire and whatever else could be heard miles away. Sure, she was used to it, having fought several times before with her [s]Republican[/s] weapon including a large battle with the other OldFucks, but it certainly didn't change the fact that she hated the noise of conflict -- Her ears twitched again. This time it was a different sound - [i]a voice[/i]. Well, talking wasn't unlikely as she was likely smack-dab in the middle of the city, but that was besides the point. The point was that she heard someone talking to themselves from above and the voice sounded surprisingly familiar. Sure, she socialized with people in Guild City, but she was just about as good with faces as she was with voices. Come to think of it, it was impossible for her to remember anything save for names and birthdays. And that's when the screaming came. And then someone thudded down behind her. Quickly whipping around with her hand hovering over Ted Cruz, she looked at the individual. Well, they weren't a KBot that was for sure - "Oh. Long time no see, eh? You're Cynder, right?" Yes, she was Cynder. And who the hell was he? "Going to fight on the front lines, too? Last I remember you were more of the running type." Immediately her face turned crimson red in a distinct blush and she pulled her arm away from Ted Cruz only to cross her arms in a disapproving matter, "H-Hey! What is that supposed to mean?! I'm perfectly capable of fighting and I-I'm not scared, either!" She paused for a moment, getting a good look at the guy. Why couldn't she remember his name? He was definitely with the OldFucks, but for some reason, all memories of them were extremely blurry. . [i]Odd.[/i] It was then that she decided that she would simply avoid the subject of his name. The last thing she wanted to do at the moment was to offend a [i]potential[/i] ally. "Besides," she continued, "for a guy who just fell from rooftops like an idiot, you shouldn't be talking."