[quote=@Ambrosia] [hider=Leo Visosky][center][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/3437/i/2013/291/7/2/x_render_anime_boy_by_hosei_kun-d6qwfzt.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][color=66eeaa]NAME[/color][/b] : Leo Visosky [b][color=66eeaa]AGE[/color][/b] : 19 [b][color=66eeaa]GENDER[/color][/b] : Male [b][color=66eeaa]SEXUALITY[/color][/b] : Heterosexual [b][color=66eeaa]CLASS[/color][/b] : Trickster/Rogue [b][color=66eeaa]WEAPON(S)[/color][/b] : ⌲ knives + daggers [color=66eeaa][i]Having wandered around alone for so long, Leo has amassed an impressive collection of these small but practical weapons. He seems to have an endless supply of these things, with which he arms himself in fights. Who knows where he keeps all of them hidden?[/i][/color] ⌲ sleight of hand [color=66eeaa][i]Leo developed this skill through years of having to provide for himself through stealing and pickpocketing. It's become a hobby of sorts for him - he likes to challenge himself to steal from all sorts of targets.[/i][/color] [b][color=66eeaa]HISTORY[/color][/b] : Leo had always been a prideful, arrogant little boy. He was the oldest of 6 children, and he quickly realized that if he couldn't stand out, his parents would - well - forget about him. He found a knack of getting in trouble, and became known throughout the town for causing mischief. Contrary to his intentions, his parents sent him off to boarding school, and that was that. After a few years had passed without any message from his family, he returned to the town... and discovered that they had moved away the year before. They had forgotten about him. Too proud to try to go after them, he decided to travel the world on his own. [b][color=66eeaa]PERSONAL TRINKETS[/color][/b] : ⌲ a locket [color=66eeaa][i]Leo is never seen without a locket around his neck. It contains a picture of a pretty-looking girl - a sister, or a girlfriend perhaps? Either way, she seems to be very important to him. [/i][/color] [color=66eeaa][b]OTHER[/b][/color] : ⌲ pretty face [color=66eeaa][i]Leo's a pretty cute guy, and he[/i] definitely[i] knows it. A hobby of his is using that pretty face of his to "get" as many women as he can, with each one inflating his ego a little bit more. It doesn't help that he usually succeeds.[/i][/color][/hider] [/quote] Accepted, but this is a traditional fantasy role-play so he won't be wearing what's in the picture I hope. :L