[color=cyan]"Sometimes I wonder if we're ever going to get out of these woods, Brother."[/color] Ruehar spoke softly to Balian, looking up from the forest floor to the stump he was seated on, whittling away at twigs. They were accompanied by the usual stillness of the woods, the only noise being that of the forest and Ruehar's voice. Neither of the pair kept track of how long exactly they had been stuck, eventually time just loses all meaning and concept in the Drakenwald. The largest expanse of forest in the known world and these two, like many other souls had found themselves lost in it. That it was so big, the pair weren't surprised that they hadn't seen or heard any other beings like themselves, yet there was always a lingering fear of what lay waiting behind the blackened, thick trunks of the trees all around. Balian stopped running his dagger along one of the many sticks and looked down at his sister who sat cross-legged among the undergrowth. [color=green]"We will..."[/color] Balian examined the fabric laid out in front of Ruehar, her scarce belongings from when they abandoned Burr Oak Barrows. His attention particularly drawn to the mushrooms that were piled in the middle, Mad Caps, appropriately named he thought. [color=green]"I mean if we keep walking in one direction we're bound to reach somewhere."[/color] He quipped, a thin smile catching the corner of his lips before he put the dagger away and threw the thin twig between a couple of trees. He sighed, placing open palms on his knees and brought himself to stand, his right hand reaching down for leather strap of his crossbow, slinging it over his shoulder he noticed his sister had already started packing away her things, tying a string around the fabric knotting it up like a satchel she hung it from her waist. [color=cyan]"It feels like we're walking in circles, I don't know how we're ever supposed to get anywhere when we can't even get a sense of direction..."[/color] Ruehar supported her tired legs leaning into the staff Balian had whittled for her during their time in the Drakenwald from a particularly sturdy branch. For such a simple weapon and walking aid, he had put a lot of detail into it in the form of runes and depictions of old legend and myth from their home, showing off both his skill and boredom. Balian didn't reply and instead began looking around, Ruehar's gaze followed his after a moment before she piped up again, [color=cyan]"So which way then?"[/color] She teased, trying to make light of the situation. The ranger had left a marking indicating the way they came from, he'd been doing it for a while now in an effort to not back track through the forest. Whether or not it was helping had not yet made itself evident. [color=green]"This way."[/color] He nodded in the opposite direction of the marker and without any further hesitation took off. [color=cyan]"Yeah okay, I mean it's as good as any other, right?"[/color] Ruehar asked rhetorically, glancing at the marker left behind them as they traversed deeper in the woods. [hr] Although they couldn't say for certain, it felt as if hours had passed. The sibling duo were all but ready to call it quits for the day and settle down for the night, taking turns at watch when something in the distance caught their eyes. Balian squinted and then rubbed his eyes, his initial thought that his mind was beginning to play tricks on him, pointing ahead he began, [color=green]"Do you see it?"[/color] he asked Ruehar who was also transfixed on the dim light ahead of them. [color=cyan]"It's a lantern!"[/color] Her tone quiet but hopeful, [color=cyan]"Come on, we should take a look."[/color] Ruehar slipped past her brother, taking the lead. Balian followed closely, ready to bring his crossbow to action, eyes jumping between his sister and the lantern that was now obviously hanging from a branch of a tree and what seemed to be a clearing up ahead. The pair pushed their way through the trees and undergrowth and stumbled across what was indeed a clearing and a building. Neither Ruehar or Balian spoke for a moment, instead both gazed upon the building in the middle of the woods with awe. It appeared to be occupied, the flicker of candle light could be seen in many of the windows and a faint noise that sounded like... voices talking? [color=cyan]"Shall we then?"[/color] Ruehar asked, tilting her head to look up at her brother. Balian was still a little cautious and kept his crossbow by his side but agreed with his sister that it was probably wise to investigate. [color=green]"Don't you think it's a bit strange? This building in the middle of the woods, what is it? Some kind of home?"[/color] As they approached the door they noticed it was open a crack, by now they could make out more of the noises inside, it was a strange contrast from what they had been experiencing only minutes before. Balian and Ruehar's gazes met and locked as they smiled at each other and nodded in the affirmative. Whatever was about to happen it was bound to be better than the Witch-Hunters or spending more time hopelessly lost in the Drakenwald. Both Bailian and Ruehar had taken note of the fact that the forest completely surrounded this building and the clearing surrounding it and that it probably expanded for miles and miles all around. They were thankful at least for a sky not blocked by foliage. [hr] [color=silver]"Welcome, weary travellers to the Hallows Inn"[/color] A male voice caught the attention of the siblings as they took in their surroundings upon pushing past the door. The place seemed surprisingly busy (considering location). Humans, Elves, a Dwarf and all manner and sorts lounged around or were up to something. Balian couldn't believe it and was taking everything in. [color=green]"An inn? Here?"[/color] He asked, Ruehar was drawn away from her surroundings and to her brothers words, then she locked eyes with the other male. [color=silver]"My name is Lazarus, bed and board will be ten crowns a room, covers the duration of your stay."[/color] Gobsmacked and amazed, the pair looked at each other and decided between them twenty crowns was more than reasonable to part with for what appeared to be a bit of solace. Paying they agreed with Lazarus to be shown their rooms later, for now they would sit, observe and eat. Finding an empty booth in the tavern they slid in, Balian's crossbow and Ruehar's staff rested against the wooden table while the two sat and chat about their shock and disbelief over some ale. A flash of light drew their attention over to a half-elf and another male, Ruehar looked on in awe at the pair, jealousy stewing in the pit of her stomach at curing Magick. [@Bourgeoisie] [@Happy Go Lucky]