“[color=lightblue]Kelvin,[/color]” she repeated, nodding approvingly when he did not disclose his middle or last name to her as well. Smart man. “[color=lightblue]...like the river?[/color]” Naya asked, not missing a beat as she stuffed her hand under the steel plating on his chest so she could scratch her fingers across the scale mail underneath. “[color=lightblue]Hmmm…,[/color]” she hummed, tilting her head curiously as the pads of her fingertips brushed over a leather strap, wiggling a digit underneath and tugging it back only to release it just as quickly. The strap made an audible, ‘thump’ as it slapped back down onto the specter’s chest. It seemed like she could interact with everything Kelvin wore. Fascinating. At being asked about the spirit that visited her shop Naya paused. “[color=lightblue]He wore a cloak and no matter where I was standing or how bright it was. I could never see his face,[/color]” the witch explained as she reached up and carefully palpated the exposed bones of Kelvin’s neck. “[color=lightblue]I was not able to touch him, however he carried a stick around that I could interact with,[/color]” she admitted, letting her hands fall away from the ghost again and studying the arrow that was stabbed through his abdomen. “[color=lightblue]...Does that hurt?[/color]" Naya questioned, looking back up to where Kelvin’s eyes would have been, were he not a skeleton. She lifted her hand and let it hover for a moment, her little finger extending to just barely graze over the feathers on the end of it. How long had he had them stuck in him? It disheartened her greatly to think of him having to suffer for decades, possibly centuries with these arrows piercing him like this. “[color=lightblue]Would you like me to try and pull them out?[/color]" [@Gate Keeper]