[@Roseletta][@Joshua Tamashii] [color=00746b][b]NOLAN [/b][/color]and [color=662d91][b]DALTON[/b][/color] [color=00746b]"Tch, your concern is unneeded Amaya. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine save for my wounded pride."[/color] Nolan shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out his pipe and a metal casing of hash. At least the nurses didn't take them away from him. He pulled out a magic lighter and lit the contents of the pipe after stuffing a wad of tobacco in it. Nolan let out an agitated sigh of smoke, running his hands through his hair. It was obvious that he was upset with the results of the match though he didn't want to say anything about it. Certainly, he was livid for how useless Joshua was and with his needless insults to Frenzy plant, but he was more upset with himself. He himself should've been enough to destroy his opponents, no, he was more than enough. He could've brought them to the edge of death, but why didn't he do it? Was he growing soft? No, he couldn't be. The horn that signified the last match had ended rung out through the stadium. It looked like everyone was starting to leave the facility. [color=00746b]"Huh, guess it's time to go."[/color] He puffed out a trail of smoke and he sauntered over to the nightstand next to his bed and pulled the drawer open. It seemed like the nurses left him a white collard shirt in his size there for when he was ready to go. He buttoned the shirt up except the top three buttons and dragged his katana leaning on the side of the bed. [color=00746b]"Come on, I don't intend on staying here. I need a drink.. a strong one."[/color] [color=662d91]"Should ya really be drinking right after getting ya wounds treated?"[/color] Dalton asked skeptically in concern for his partner's condition. [color=00746b]"I told you, I'm fine! It'll take more than nigh-evisceration to put me down."[/color] Nolan said in a strange, matter of fact tone, as if it was commonplace to have a scythe tear through the body. Hell, most people would be dead after the beating he took. [color=662d91][i]Is this guy even human?[/i][/color] The exceed thought to himself. [@Zarkun][@Burthstone] [color=92278f][b]ZEV[/b][/color] Finally some screen time for Dragon Fang's top espionage committing mage, Zev Buchanan! Zev had been watching the games on the sidelines while not doing anything notable except for doting his four year old daughter. Today had been no exception, but when he saw Hunter go off to carry Luna off to the infirmary he thought his friend could use some help. Also, serve as backup just in case that Grant guy decided to not take kindly to Hunter's insults. That Grant guy really did give him the creeps. There was something not right about that guy... Anyway, Zev had left his daughter with Ammy for the moment and headed straight towards Hunter. [color=92278f]"Yo, Hunter! You really should be taking care of yourself a bit better. We can't lose one of our aces just because he has a bad knee. Hand her off to me and also..."[/color] Zev lowered his voice so that Grant wouldn't be able to hear him, as a precaution of course. This guy could have stupidly good hearing and butcher them. [color=92278f]"You should be more careful with who you insult. Iron Enigma isn't exactly a guild of the most savory character if you catch my drift."[/color] [@Caits] [color=00aeef][b]FERRIS[/b][/color] Leaning back in his seat, he stretched his arms into the air and let out a loud yawn. One would not think that commentating would be exhausting, but it actually was. He would always have to have something to say or else he wouldn't have this job! Well, at least the Games are starting to get near the end. [color=00aeef]"Oh man, I just feel like kicking back and relax after today! Seriously, I think we've nearly witnessed a few murders today."[/color] He leaned forward and rested his head on the desk. [color=00aeef]"I think I'll just head back to the hotel and veg out. Probably order out food that doesn't stare back at me."[/color]