I like to think I am a wonderful writer. While I may not be able to match how much my partner writes, I will try my best. I will also be on this site a lot, so I can respond often. I would like someone who can respond once or twice a day, or more please, and if you have to leave/can't respond for awhile, just let me know. Also, i play DnD so I am used to playing the same story in slightly different ways. If you see someone ask about a RP that you wanted to do, just speak up. I will happily play a slightly different version of the story. Now, onto the rp ideas. These are somewhat dark fantasy RP. They are rated M/18+ for a few reason, the biggest being violence, language, and sexual content. I would prefer to RP in PM or Email, but I am ok with with playing on a thread if my partner wants. I would like a female partner, but a male would be ok. When I make a post, I will talk about which gender I would prefer for that story, but it can be changed for the partner. You will most likely be playing many different characters, of either gender, but only if I ask and you are ok with it. I am always open to suggestions, so if you have an idea please don't be afraid to ask me. If you have any interest in a RP with me, please pm or comment on here. Ideas (edit when I come up with a new story) [hider=Court of the Red Hoods] Years ago, a woman was sold as a slave (partner character). She waited until she had earned her masters trust, then murder them in their sleep. She went on the run, until she made it to a kingdom called Arkanshire, where owning a slave is illegal, and all runaway slaves are forgiven of their crimes they did as a slave. There she meets a former nun (friend/lover if they want FxF) who helps her get used to this new kingdom. Now, the runaway slave is the leader of a mercenary company called "Court of the Red Hoods" who will take any job that paid. While on one job, they find a man who speaks a lost language, the language of Dragons. Who is he? What will happen to the company now that they have him? And will the Red Hoods become a respected merc crew? [/hider] [hider=Queenpin of Crime] A woman (partner character) wants to be the new Kingpin of crime in a medieval city. In order to do that she needs workers, allies, ect. She is ready to bribe, kill, and even screw her way to the top. Can she gain enough power to take control? Or will she just be another body found in the river? [/hider] [hider=Ocean Locker] Deep in an underwater city, a great treasure, and advance technology can be found. But once to take gold or anything from the vault, you must escape the city. If you do, you will be given a key, which allows you to come back to the city and take as much of anything you want, without fear of being ataacked. For those that don't escape the city, well, there is always room in Davy Jones' Locker. [/hider] [hider=Court of Kings] Set in a "Bloodborne" like world, the heroes will have to work together in order to fight the "Court of Kings". That's all I have for now, but I hope to add more to it soon. [/hider] [hider=Survive the New World] At some point in the future, the government was able to open a portal to an unknown world. In this world, dinosaurs never died, and were able to evolve as time went on. This was an great discovery until it was learned that it was a one way trip to this new world. So, the government made a new law. Instead of a death sentence, prisoners are sent to this new world to survive on their own. At random times, a portal would open around the world and make a supply drop, as to give the prisoners a chance to live. You are one such prisoner, sent with one goal in mind. Survive. [/hider] [hider=Locus Magicae] In a hidden world, only entered by those with magic, is a school where people can learn to use magic. Anyone, from anywhere or anytime, can join to school, but can only leave if they pass the school and learn to use the most powerful teleportation spell, letting them go anywhere they wish. But this isn't that safest of schools, with magical drugs, students and teachers doing bedroom thing, and, of course, the monsters. As a new student, you will have to just survive the school. Learn to use magic, and stop the dark force inside the school. [/hider] [hider=Fairy Rotten Tale] This one is a story about story book characters, all living in one world. They are ruled by Prince Arthur aka "Prince Charming". The nickname is used for irony because he is an evil ruler. Around his kingdom, he has placed "Warlords" to uphold his laws. We would be playing as a group (atleast one character each) who is roaming the lands trying to lead a rebellion. A common run of this, the female is a former bride of Charming, who left because of abuse. [/hider] [hider=Corruption] A simple little town is suddenly starting to turn against one another, acting out of character. A treasure is found, and given to the town's ruler. But now, people are fighting, no one trust one another, and everyone is not themselves. This story can be set in any time, and we can figure out character info as we pm. [/hider] [hider=The Wild Hunt] So this RP can work as a medieval fantasy or a apocalypse style story. A group of mercs are trying to find work, and now a king/town ruler has hired them to hunt down an evil woman, along with her cult. (Still working on details) [/hider] [hider=Arkanshire] This story is about two monster hunters trying to start a guild. It'll be done in chapters, like a book, and the first chapter will be the two monster hunters meeting for the first time. The story will then jump a few years into the future, where they are starting the guild. The male (my character) is trying to find a squire, while his wife is running the guild. The story will have another two main characters (four all together) which will be the squire and a local church girl. [/hider] [hider=Ambrose Asylum] What if you found out it was all a lie? When mommy and daddy tell you that there are no monsters? They are real, the ones that get captured are taken to an asylum, where a collar takes away the powers, leaving them as a human. They are weak, until some grows tired of it. The push a botton that turns off all the collars, and now the monsters are free. But they don't leave the asylum. No, they take over it. Now you, a guard/normal person/inmate, wants to find a way to leave. Are you willing to do anything to get away? [/hider] [hider=Harem Story (18+ is a must)] This is going to be a very adult RP. There will be a lot of sex, violence, language, and other things. The story is simple, a woman is captured/sold to a some slavers, who take her to a castle in the mountains near the ocean. The Master of the castle is a nice man, and the women that live in the castle are quite nice to be around. But it is infact, a harem. The master will sleep with whatever girl he wants, and they have jobs around the house. It seems simple, until the new girl (you) is warned, never go into the locked room at the end of the hall. The Master is also injuries one day, and the new girl is able to help, and slowly starts becoming the favorite girl. While some of the girls don't mind, others are pissed and wish to rid themselves of the new girl. [/hider] [hider=Zelda Story] It happened only a few years ago, but it seemed like a lifetime ago. Ganondorf rose to power, using the triforce of "Power" and destroying the armies before him. But then, a great hero, Link, rose up to stop him. Using the triforce of "Courage" and Princess Zelda using the triforce of "Wisdom", the two teamed up to stop the mad king. And they failed. Ganondorf, using all his power, killed Link, and took his part of the triforce. He then forced Zelda to be his bride, taking her part of the triforce, now holding all three. He was unstoppable, and for two years, he shaped the world in his image. All of those who followed him were treated like kings, and the others, were no better then mud. The Sea Zora's become pets for their cousins, the evil River Zoras. The Gorons were enslaved, forced to work as blacksmiths in the lava filled pits below the mountains. The Kokiri children were chased away from their villages, forced to live in the predator filled woodlands. And last, were the faries, who seemed to just, vanish. There are those who wish to stop Ganon, but were scared to face the powerful king, who held all three parts of the trifroce. That is, until, they heard a rumor of a fourth piece, hidden in the middle of the three. A piece that held the other three right in their spots, because they would fall apart without it. They called this forth part, "Balance". This is a dark "Zelda" RP where link has been killed. The world is trying to survive under the rule of the "Evil King", while trying to get control back to the royal family. Again, this is a dark story, with blood, language, sexual content. [/hider] [hider=The Circus of the Lost] An RP about a circus that travels around the world, taking in freaks and monsters as they can. [/hider] [hider=Hellfire Feather] An RP about a little girl who holds great power. She is hunted by all forms of nightmares, which seems to be a losing battle. That is, until the girl's guardian angel and a powerful demon decide to help and protect her. [/hider] [hider=The Queen's Move] This story has two sides. The evil queen who sold her soul, and kingdom, to a demon to gain great power, and her stepdaughter, the princess, who is trying to save her home. [/hider]