[@Tyrant from the West][@Kimiyosis][@Pacha][@Rakurai] You guys needn't worry, we can expand that list, or get rid of the count at all if needed. The only reason I placed it there at first is because I thought this RP wouldn't be so popular because of the theme it's based upon. Having you be interested makes the three of us very glad. This statement is doubly valid you, Rakurai, you may not recall it but you was the GM of the first RP I played here on the Guild no matter how brief out was, I enjoyed and still cherish it. After that I didn't saw you anywhere else, having you with us after this whole time will make me happy. See ya'll. PS: I always liked your character charts (see [@TheWindel], the power of charts is strong, just looking at it you can get a good overview of the character roster.), if you allow it, I can post it on the Characters tab.