How valid is more valid than valid? xD My memory works in mysterious ways, and I remember both the roleplay and you KoL. My mind is a sad little thing which is hardwired to remember names I see online... hell if I could apply this to real life, I'd be able to boast a good memory... but alas~ xD [s]What I didn't remember though was that it was your first RP... whoops way to kill a newbies hopes and dreams.... it worked out though since you're still on here though right? [/s] Haven't been around much since I float back and forth between several forums, but I'm glad I chanced upon this when I did (even if I am a bit late to the party). I'm personally fine with you grabbing the chart, but I'll probably refrain from uploading and updated chart until current applications have finalized. As for the power of charts... I love them too~ (obviously). Though I mainly use them when seeking out potential interactions. It's much easier to look at a chart and go "That character's there, this one's doing that, this one... is sitting all alone~ Lets give them some lovin'" xD I've got a general concept worked out in my head, but I'll need to figure out an instrument. I'm not exactly a musical guru, and the only instrument I can play (Piano) is a bit bulky, and doesn't work with my character at all.