[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Skepic] not to be nitpicky but do you think you could choose a more rendered pic for your non-gear appearance? Theme song kicks ass though, cant stop humming that shit. I know deepdown you want to use this pic anyway..... [hider=itz good yah] [img]http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_limit,h_434,w_640/t_mp_quality/j5oqrlke62bortg4e5za/wolfenstein-the-old-blood-gives-nazi-horror-a-bloody-brutal-launch-the-old-blood-389850.jpg[/img] [/hider] EDIT: I'm watching the wolf brigade now, this film is awesome. [/quote] Yeah that image is honestly placeholder until I find a better one. But I'm glad you're enjoying the movie! It's definitely a classic of a different era. I would also suggest reading the manga that the movie was adapted from. It's just as good in a different way and greater explains what the organization is like and what challenges it faces.