[@Gelatinous Cube] Oh yess sir(please tell me I guessed right XD), you are absolutely right. In both the Alive in Athens live CD [i]AND[/i] the album version, I can literally feel the emotion and desperateness in his voice. I feel as if Barlow himself is asking God why it turn out like this? Legit, if a singer can do that, then you know he's one of a kind artist there. And that's why when he left the second time, I was a bit conflicted. It's true that his heart wasn't in it, but I feel like, compared to Barlow, Block is just slightly less-than good. I mean, Block is a fantastic singer and has been able to add his own unique spin to Iced Earth's songs, but it's just not the same, ya know? I definitely feel ya there. Dystopia was a great showing of Block's vocals. I definitely feel like the first five tracks on that record were the best, with Dark City and the title track, Dystopia, being my top favs. I especially love that instrumental in the second half of Dark City. I can agree with you there about Plagues of Babylon. It's a good album, yes, but just not [i]as good[/i] as Dystopia. The title track for that album is pretty solid. Can't think of any others that are on the level of it, though. Maybe that's an indication of how underwhelming the album is. xD