His mouth was slightly ajar, eyes confusedly focused on the purple haired girl’s shameless bravado. God, her Stand-thing was right there. Did she want to go easy on the shadowy Hawaiian shirt guy? That was stupid. There was no remaining shred of humanity in that monster. Any hostiles needed to be taken out immediately. The girl’s kicks looked strong enough to shatter anyone’s ribs under normal circumstances, but the shadow was completely unfazed. He glanced down at his suddenly inadequate dusters. [i]So much for ”backing you up”,[/i] he frowned inwardly. The girl was still using kicks instead of retreating and forming a more effective strategy. But it was too late. Halfway through the girl’s landing, heat started building near the shadow, expanding and transforming into a miniature sun. She wouldn’t make it out unscathed. This scene seemed familiar. It was the same girl too. Funny, she could knock her opponents out with a single blow, but this was the second time he felt he had to save her. [i]She’s a fucking psychopath, she should be fine.[/i] She looked like she had the physical ability to evade the shadow’s fireball. Land on the left foot, push out to the right, throw your weight to the ground. She was going to be fine. [i]But what if she wasn’t?[/i] Thoughts were too familiar, feelings were exactly the same as they were when he heard that yelp and looked up from those unconscious students. She should be fine, she was going to be fine. Why couldn’t he accept that? Because if there was even a 1% chance she would get hurt because of his inaction, he couldn’t let it slide. Thoughts were getting clearer. That’s right. He hated seeing people get hurt, even more than he hated being hurt himself. When did he forget that, why did he forget? [i]I wanted to stop hurting. I was so scared. I would do anything for it to stop.[/i] He moved without a second thought, lunging straight at the purple hai- no, [i]Tatsuya[/i]. Everything came back. [right][i]A simple test; can you state your name?[/i][/right] He remembered chasing after them. Was it because of the fear of her wrath or genuine worry that he ran? Perhaps both? [i]Quit playing around. Who sprints across the entire school campus just ‘cos he’s afraid of one girl’s opinion? [/i] [b][center][i]A simple test; can you state your name?[/i][/center][/b] She was mere centimetres from his outstretched hand. The fireball came closer. [color=82ca9d][i]I am Akihito Irimi. And I need to stop being such a cowardly ass.[/i][/color] His hands made contact, one with Tatsuya’s torso, the other with a glowing blue card. [color=82ca9d]“PERSONA.”[/color] One body hit the ground. [color=82ca9d]“Metis!”[/color] The second one followed suit. A different body materialised, humanoid but definitely not human. An elegant purple figure framed in a majestic golden cloak pointed her halberd at the monster. [color=82ca9d]“Garu!”[/color] The command escaped his lips as easily as a favourite song would. A monstrous wave of wind erupted towards the shadow. But he didn’t look to see if the attack had any effect. Akihito’s gaze was fixed on Tatsuya. She was on her side, dazed but unharmed. Relief set in. Then pain. It seared through his body, consuming every part of his consciousness. He clawed pointlessly at the ground, searching for any sort of relief. His back, the pain was radiating from his back. It hurt, it hurt, IT HURT. Was the heat from his injuries or were the flames unextinguished? It didn’t matter, he was powerless against it. He lay on the ground; teeth clenched and tears escaping from the corners of his eyes. Yet through all the torment, there was a tiny seed of satisfaction. She was safe, he could take pride in that.