[color=00aeef][center][h1]Jay Kane[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8QSOUbl.png[/img][/center] [center][color=00aeef]Location:[/color] Unknown Sector, Quadrant Alpha (Calibration in Progress) II [color=00aeef]Status:[/color] Sleeper II [color=00aeef]Time:[/color] +04:12:56 [color=00aeef]Mission Status:[/color] Target Unknown. Continuing Search [/center] [hr] As Jay stood on top of the building there was a loud nosie to be heard. He immediately accesed his visor and looked for the source of the sound. On a bridge not so far away, there was a young girl fending off vicious Kbots with an old pipe, along with a skeleton riding a motorbike. It was really confusing at first, but then Jay put away the visor. Just what the heck. He was to thousands of worlds but he never really saw a scene like this. A girl with a drain pipe attacking giant robots with the help of a shabby skeleton riding a motorbike. But then again, he saw weirder things too. But those also suprised him before. He let out a fain sigh as he readied his grapling hook, and then looked down the side of the building that faced the bridge. It had a very steep elevation, but it wasn't a vertical drop at least. He shot the grapple at a sidepanel and then followed it by jumping down the side of the skyscraper. It was a rough landing as his shoes touched the glass panels. He felt as if he broke his ankle, and knew something wasn't right, but he couldn't catch his breath. With a very violent shake the grapple released and swinged back into Jay's wristbelt. "Oh fuuuuuuuu-". The momentum from the rope threw Jay off balance and he proceeded with a 10 point backflip and then landed on his face, still few hundred meters above ground, sliding very fast towards it. He summoned his steel padded gloves on his hand and put his body in a position where he could see the building's side from. Instantly he retracted his head as a steel beam almost rid him of it. He let out a small thanks to whatever interdimensional gods protected him and that pushed himself up again. Every muscle in his body went tense for a second as he jumped backwards and the turned in the air using his one hand touching the glass still, to finally land in a skating pose. His shoes left angry sparkles behind as the steel tip and end scracthed against the glass. His poncho flapped in his face, to which he replied by threwing it off. He never liked it anyways. But he had another problem ahead. Literally. The slope in the building was coming to a close end, before turning into a steep drop onto the bridge in front of it. it was no time to think, and he quickly closed his legs, beginning to run jump ovcer another beam in his way and the sprinting and sliding down the slope. The end came pretty close, around 50 meters already. 40 meters. 20 meters. The balcony at the end was fileld with small palm tress and other assortements of tropical plants. Before reaching the edge, Jay proceeded with a huge leap of faith, turning around and shooting his grapple at the fence. The motors in his wrist buzzed with excitement and the rope whirred with an unholy noise. Then the end of the rope attached to the fence, pulling Jay closer towards the glass. He never felt so ashamed and irrirated at the same time in his entire life. Before he even reached the glass, the grapple pulled his arm violently, as if it tried to rip it off his body. Jay let out an excrutiating pain, before hitting teh building and then bouncing off it. Thank god his armor protected him from all kinds of injuries, and his body was stronger than to be simply ripepd away by a mere 1G force. Still it was harsh enough once, and so he detached the already broken grapling hook, sending the rope back into the void back, and leaving onyl teh device on his wrist. The ground was very close, but jay nejoyed the freefall for a second. Then he typed something in his wrist console, to which teh device reacted with a calm beep. He looked down and saw the girl with a katan in his hand. The skeleton was nowhere. The end of Jay's cape locked into palce on his boots, and Jay turned himself towards an area behind the girl with his new improvised wing suit. It was rough to control, and wasn't very pleasant without a mask, but it was still hellova feeling to cruise through the air like bat. When it was only around 70 meters from the ground, Jay pushed his legs below him, and his cape detached at an instant. His HUD reminded him that his Kinetic Dampeners turned on, and that he should prepare for a landing. Jay focused on the place where he was going to land at, his legs in fron of him, slightly bent, and his cape flapping in the wind behind him. Then with a loud bang he landed, sending pebbles in all directions and releasing a huge shockwave that ran through the street, breaking a few windows along the way, and leaving a massive crack below him. He promised he'd never do this again after the accident on Drogba 12, but here he is, still doing it, and still in one piece. That said he couldn't think of any body part that didn't ache on him. He might have had a concussion too. Technology and magic can do a lot, especially if combined, but saving your life will be rough every time. As the dust pile around him dissipated he saw the surprised girl who was still wielding the enormous katana. Just now he noticed how big it was, as when he was falling it seemed average size. Jay straightened his back, letting out some serious cracking noises, and then held his hand out for a handshake. "The name's Jay Kane."