First of all, sorry if i tried to special-snowflake a little too hard. Anyhow, if it needs to be toned down or just scrapped and re-done tell me and I'll get to work on it ASAP! [hider] [h3] Ueno Laudwen [/h3] [b]Title:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Grade:[/b] 4th [b]Academy:[/b] Imperial Song Knights' Academy of Cadenza. [b]Height:[/b] 5'11 [b]Weight:[/b] 137 Ibs [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Ueno is ambition without a definite goal. A man who wishes to make something of himself at all costs, even if he doesn't know where he wants to end up at the end. Ueno is hard working and has little respect for those who take the easy road in life, even if they end up making life easier for him. He believes that part of any great goal or story is the climb, so he doesn't mind clawing his way up to the top. Ueno keeps up a mask of politeness and kindness at almost all times, despite a constant flow of judgmental and callous thoughts that flow bellow. While he is usually quite adept at keeping up his mask, it is easily chipped away at those who undermine his efforts, and is easily enraged by those who try to make others think less of him. Gossips and those who simply start trouble for the sake of trouble are those who easily make Ueno lose himself in rage. Those who end up calling Ueno a friend will often find him somewhat inconsiderate of them. He isn't one to be openly sentimental, but those who hurt people he does like will often need to worry about his urges for revenge. Ueno is one to strike ruthlessly and without remorse at those who'm gain his ire. [b]History:[/b] His father, Sir Oswald, is someone Ueno nevers wants to be associated with. Oswald was a joke of a politician, and a joke of a father. Ueno's early life is one that was filled with disappointment and failed attempts of grandeur. Ueno's father was a politician who'se only thought was to appear as what he was not, and would spend all of their family's income of appearing fancy and posh. Constantly in debt and never home, Oswald appeared to the outside world as a success, but in reality his entire life he spent brushing by the skin of his teeth. Ueno's mother was never there, she viewed him as her greatest 'little' mistake and left her in his father's hands as soon as she could. Neither of his parents really wanted to keep him, a remnant of a night of passion that had long seen day. However Oswald was forced to keep him, dare she make a scene and throw him to the wolves otherwise. Most of the things his father did for him were done publicly and without little concern for what Ueno actually wanted or care about. As Ueno aged and grew up, he ended up having a twisted ambition of his own. Once aimed to become a spirit knight and make a name for himself, a new name. He ran away from home as soon as he could play his instrument of choice and changed his name. He would become something great, something that would outshine anyone else. He would outshine even the stars themselves. [b]Instrument and Weapons:[/b] Ueno plays an Acoustic guitar that appears broken, fights with a great-sword. Both of were granted to him by Conquest upon their first meeting. [b]Magic:[/b] Ueno can control the sword with his mind at a range of up to fifty feet away from him. [b]Other:[/b] [url=] The Sword he uses it the one at the top [/url] [youtube][/youtube] [h3] Conquest [/h3] [b]Title:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] 'Male' [b]Element:[/b] Earth/Fire [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Height:[/b] 10 Ft. [b]Weight:[/b] Idk honestly how much he would weigh. [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Conquest is a spirit of few words, especially to those who aren't Ueno. He has little respect for those who aren't his master. Conquest simply wishes to fulfill Ueno's desire and fight at his master's side, well, as much as he can anyway. Conquest speaks with a booming voice that originates from cracks beneath the throne. When he does speak he speaks at most a sentence at a time, and utters either threats or orders. Conquest cares little for the safety of other spirits and will instead distance his master away from them if he can. He actually becomes slightly jealous of others when Ueno converses with other spirits. Conquest wishes to be the only one his master uses, summons, and relies upon. [b]Powers:[/b] First of all, when summoned, Throne is immobile and cannot move or change directions. Secondly, his powers can only be 'activated' when Ueno sits upon him. When the two are together as one, Ueno's body merges with the throne and Ueno is only able to move his head. Other then that, he is completely devoid of movement. Augment: Ueno is granted another great-sword that can be controlled when he is seated upon Conquest. Vanguard: Conquest himself controls two [url=] living [/url] [url=] armors [/url] that fight by his command. Both of the armors are quite durable, but can be broken down more easily by Water/Wind based attacks. However, if left alone the metal regenerates and they can fight again. [/hider]