This took a while. I hope it's to the GMs' liking. [hider=] Song Knight Name: Isabelle Kaiser Title: The Striking Sonata Age: 19 Gender: Female Grade: 4th Academy: Imperial Song Knights' Academy of Cadenza Height: 167 cm Weight: 77 kilograms. Appearance: [hider=][img][/img] [/hider] The general appearance is pretty spot on with this image, but as with these kinds of things it's not at all perfect. The outfit is not correct, as she wears a dark blue cloth over most of her body, that fights well and allows her good range of movement. A baggy darker blue cloth that resembles a dress covers the area from her shoulders to just below her lower thigh, so as to provide decency. If she isn't trying to blend in to dark surroundings, she wears a gold pendant, with a medallion hanging from it that has her schools emblem. The rest of her outfit is basically the same, except small gold chains hang down around her arms, connected to silver rings on her hands. Her body is heavily muscled from wielding her great sword so regularly and the constant sparring matches. The outfit she wears hides the muscle tone well causing many to underestimate her despite her intimidating sword. She is also a bit taller then the picture would suggest. Personality: Isabelle is a very positive person, with a Cheshire grin or smirk often painted upon her face. She enjoys practical jokes quite a lot, though they may not end well. Despite her positive nature there is a bit of a disconnect. Her upbringing has forced upon her a desensitized view of violence, and she almost revels in the violent acts she sometimes preforms. Her practical jokes are only considered such by her as she is quite cruel, often resorting to physical violence. The only reason she considers them practical jokes is because they make her laugh, though she often is the only one laughing. So despite her friendly mannerisms, she has few friends. She drives away the ones she do has, and they only stay with her if they are some sort of masochist, which some of them have been. Despite the way she drives away her friends, she easily entraps people at first with her positive attitude. In summation Isabelle is great at making friends but terrible at keeping them. History:Isabelle's life has been quite the lavish experience thus far. She was born into a wealthy family and was the youngest of three siblings. Her family's plentiful wealth afforded her a liberal habit of spending money. She made friends easily and often kept them via her parent's influence. Despite this she did make one or two friends that stuck with her because of her. Nathan was her eldest brother and was one of her closest friends. He joined the military as soon as he could, and died within a year of leaving Isabelle's childhood home. The weapon Isabelle wields was once Nathan's and he was also the one who taught her to wield it. After her brother's death Isabelle become a kind of recluse, drifting away from anyone and everyone. She recovered within a month however, and started practicing constantly to celebrate her brother's memory. She quickly became an apt sword fighter, though her skills only extended to her greatsword and no other weapons; Mostly because no motivation was found when practicing with those weapons, though endless amounts was found in the greatsword. Instrument and Weapons: Isabelle's instrument is quite the conundrum. She does not use any traditional instruments but instead whistles. Her weapon is quite normal; She wields a pure black great sword, with a red line down the center of the blade. When this red line meets the hilt it creates a floral pattern. The weapon is reminiscent of a European claymore in size and weight. Magic: Isabelle can create stone golems out of the materials around her, and can also encase herself in the stone, manipulating it with her magic. Unfortunately this armor slows her reaction time and her general movement. The golems can only be manipulated if they are within 100 meters of her, and if that threshold is crossed they will stand stark still (much like Ned Stark). They seem to be more durable then the materials they are made up but only marginally so, and the same applies to her armor. At one time she can only manipulate three golems, though her armor counts as a golem. Controlling more then one golem at once takes her complete concentration, and controlling all three will often test her limits. She is prone to migraines after long bouts. The golems size is around that of a grizzly bear on its hind legs. They around 200-230 centimeters in height a majority of the time, unless Isabelle has a specific reason for making them larger in which case the largest one can go is the sum of the other three. If one's size is the culmination of the other three then that is the only golem that can be summoned. Much in the same way she can create two golems with a size of about 250 centimeters each. Unfortunately for Isabelle, even if she devotes he complete concentration she can't control more then three at once. Their appearance is always reminiscent of the minerals around them and have shining red eyes. Other: (Anything not covered by the above). Spirit Name: Sole Title: N/A Gender: Male Element: Earth Rank: C Height: 106 centimeters Weight: 18 kilograms Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Sole is a very judgmental creature, and is prone to petulant fits of rage. When he doesn't get his way, or when Isabelle disregards his advice he resigns himself to sullen silences. Sole rarely talks to others Isabelle is spending time with, and will occasionally insult her opponents without Isabelle's consent (though he very well doesn't need it, as he is a sentient creature besides her). He is occasionally timid when Isabelle's opinion of a person isn't known, and often adopts her opinion once it becomes known. On the flip side, if Isabelle has been particularly mean or unfair to him he will express a personality completely opposite to hers, and (for example) nitpick her plans when she says them out loud. Despite all his quarks he is seemingly completely dependent on Isabelle's presence, seeming drained once summoned after having been banished for a long period of time. Though sleep will refresh Isabelle, it will only drain Sole as she will not sleep with him present. Powers: Sole's main ability is to allow anyone to have more direct control of any golems they control. Almost as if Sole's body is acting as a secondary mind to process things he allows Isabelle to control her golems without "zoning out" and even allowing precise movements. Besides that Sole is very lack luster, as the only ability he has besides that is to reconstruct himself from any matter around him as long as he isn't banished in the mean time. He can also levitate, as he can** He does this without Isabelle's instruction, and most of the time just floats above one of her shoulders, occasionally offering advice. [/hider]