[b]Name[/b]: [color=black]Omen[/color] [b]Gender[/b]: [color=00aeef]Male[/color] [b]Pokemon[/b]: [color=black]Absol[/color] [b]Backstory[/b]: Omen was born far in the north to the leaders of the Absol Clan. It was during a dark time for their clan, as a sickness was spreading through their numbers at an alarming rate. His father, Lone, named him Omen because of this. He didn't name him that because of a bad omen, however. His birth was a good omen for their clan, bringing life to a dying family. To protect his family, he sent him and his mother, Aurora, south to find help for their dwindling clan. Their journey brought them to Valiant Village, where they met Guildmaster Spirit the Lucario. Spirit was quick to help, sending medical supplies and fresh food to them almost weekly. Finally, the sickness faded away, and the Absol Clan was alive and well once more. They would never forget the kindness that they had been shown by Spirit's Guild and the town of Valiant Village. So many years later, when, using their special senses, they discovered a flood could possibly wipe out the entire Village, they sprung into action, warning the townsfolk of what would happen. Some didn't believe them, others were too scared to leave their homes behind. When Spirit stood with them, knowing of the Absol's abilities, they managed to devise a plan to prevent the village's destruction. It worked, and the village was spared. Omen had come of age since the last time he was there, and grew fascinated with Guild mechanics. He wished to join Spirit's Guild and work alongside him, and his parents agreed. So, for many years, he would work hard for Spirit and the Guild. However, he began to grow restless. He had heard of troubles farther south. He told Spirit he was leaving, and Spirit said farewell to a faithful friend as he left on a new journey. Now, almost a year afterward, Omen has decided to return to Valiant Village. It wasn't because he particularly missed everyone, but of course he did. It was a feeling, something an Absol feels when disaster is imminent. It wasn't just the north, south, east, or west, but it felt like the entire world could be in danger. The one person he trusted to tell would be Spirit, and so he had spent the last few weeks traveling north, and finally he set his eyes on Valiant Village. [b]Personality[/b]: He's a lone wolf. He prefers to work alone, but works very well with others that he's close to. If you manage to become friends with him, it's a friendship you will not regret and he will cherish it as one of his greatest treasures. He's rather calm and collected in battle, similar to Spirit. He probably acquired this from his time at Spirit's Guild. He has no troubled past as far as he can remember, so he's usually a pretty chill guy. [b]Team[/b]: None [b]Moveset[/b]: [list] [*][color=black]Night Slash[/color] [*][color=f49ac2]Psycho Cut[/color] [*]Razor Wind [*][color=black]Sucker Punch[/color] [/list] [b]Special Features[/b]: Omen has a scar on his blade from an unknown battle. He also carries some type of locket around his neck, a gift from his parents before he began working at Spirit's Guild. It is fitted with some type of gem, and he has yet to learn of its origins. [b]Family[/b]: [color=black]Aurora the Absol[/color] - Mother; [color=black]Lone the Absol[/color] - Father [b]Guild Affiliation[/b]: [i]Formerly Spirit's Guild[/i] [hr] This is another character that I was thinking about for a while and decided to make and complete. I'm going to allow people to have multiple characters, as long as they don't get in the way of the plot if they want to.