Definetively interested. Hope my CS is acceptable. [hider=CS][color=483D8B][h1]|The Occultist|[/h1][/color] [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider] [color=483D8B][b][NAME][/b][/color] [indent]Brynoff[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][ORIGIN][/b][/color] [indent]Xir[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][AGE][/b][/color] [indent]27[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][APPEARANCE][/b][/color] [indent]Mages from the great city of Xir don't often boast physical prowess, preferring rather to focus on aspects of the mind and the mystical arts. Brynoff was one of few individuals who differed, standing just short of 1.68m in height with a lightly athletic constitution, one would hardly associate him with the studious spell-casters of Xir if it were not for his attire. Even more so, his pale skin, snow-white hair and eerie icy-blue eyes made people think twice before associating with him. His rebirth did not help in any way with his appearance, his skin sporting a shade of grey, his hair becoming thin and brittle like straw and an odd glow in his eyes giving him plenty of reason to hide his appearance. Not to mention that the skin around his mouth appears torn off, revealing his teeth , giving him a grotesque appearance. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][PERSONALITY][/b][/color] [indent]Mistrustful and paranoid, Brynoff was never the sort to associate with other people, evading attention whenever possible and preferring the company of old tomes. Like any student of magic, he has an inquisitive mind, which has sparked many a conflict with some of his peers and teachers, who simply abhorred the subjects he pursued in his academic research and the rather controversial practices of the arcane arts. The approval of others mean nothing to him, his goal is set and he remains determined in his ambition : to deny the influence of the Gods over his life and prove that one’s will can be stronger than any favor or disfavor from any deity . It is because of this attitude that some people would brand him a heretic or a blasphemer, and they wouldn’t be far from the truth. However, after his rebirth, the reason behind the views and opinions that Brynoff has regarding the Gods is a mystery even to himself. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][SKILLS & TALENTS][/b][/color] [indent][color=483D8B][i]Eldritch Practitioner[/i][/color] – Brynoff has studied many a tome with regards towards the more morally questionable aspects of magic. His research and practices have granted him the power to manipulate the forces of the Void under the form of various dark spells. This kind of magic manifests under the form of bolts of harmful, negative energy, syphoning the life-force of others to replenish his own, raising the dead as thralls and even the ability to create small, temporary tears between our world and the Void, allowing the partial passage of terrible horrors through them before closing. Such powers come with a price, however, more often than not this price must be paid in blood. [color=483D8B][i]Unholy Communion[/i][/color] – As a side-effect to his dark powers, Brynoff often hears the voices of dark and unspeakable entities, whispering in his ear. Sometimes they speak of and demand that he commit terrible acts to ‘appease’ them, other times they may actually grant some sort of cryptic insight regarding his current situation, most often than not their whispers are simply inane gibberish. In time, Brynoff has gotten used to this ‘aspect’ of his life but there is no denying that it had an impact upon his mental stability. [color=483D8B][i]Survival[/i][/color] – Self-preservation is one the most basic instincts of any creature. Though he is unsure how, Brynoff has acquired quite the survivalist skills, being able to live off the land and somehow escape from dangerous situations, harmed or not but always alive. Well… ALMOST always. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][INVENTORY][/b][/color] [indent][b][i]Occult Vestments[/i][/b] – Worn and dusty robes of faded earthly colors, more appropriate for a vagrant rather than a mage. The long cloak and hood do well to hide one’s aspect from unwanted gazes yet, like the rest of the attire, it does little in terms of protection. A series of illegible runic scribblings can be seen on the surface of the cloak and hood, recognizable as occult runes to students of magic, representing a formed covenant between the entities of the Void and the wearer. [i][b]Sorcerer’s Virge[/b][/i] – A staff made of an odd, pale-white tree branch, twisted and gnarled. The head of the staff disturbingly resembles the shape of a clawed hand, yet whatever it was supposed to hold in its clutches is gone. Brynoff recalls that his Occult Fetish, the source of his dark magic, was supposed to be there. Without it, his powers are greatly lacking. [i][b]Sacrificial Dagger [/b][/i]– A once sharp dagger made of bronze with a curved blade and a series of runes etched on the blade. The blade appears in dire need of sharpening and the runes seem purely aesthetical. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][GIFT OF REBIRTH][/b][/color] [indent][color=483D8B][i]Sanity’s Edge[/i][/color] – Brynoff’s defiance to the ‘new’ Gods is one of the more important aspects that have attracted the interest of the entities of the Void, persuaded to allow him to enter a covenant with them and grant the usage of their dark powers. Their gazes are always set on Brynoff and from time to time, they may even interfere without his ‘permission’ for one reason or another. This interference manifests as a ‘partial-possession’, turning Brynoff’s body into what some would call an ‘Abomination’ or ‘Eldritch Horror’. This temporary form grants him a significant boost to both his physical and magical prowess, yet it always takes Brynoff by utter surprise since he does not have control over this and more often than not it leaves a strain on his sanity after he manages to revert back to normal. [/indent] [/hider]