[color=a2d39c]"No no no no no please don't hang up we have to talk about this!"[/color] "Your going to be fine. Stop acting like a child i'm hanging up" [color=a2d39c]"No, please don't hang up! Just....why are you moving?! You were supposed to be my guide..My partner in crime you know?"[/color] "Ugh I already told you this a thousand times; I have a job opportunity in Europe for my company. I'm taking it no matter what" Sonny stopped in the middle of the side walk and leaned on some random building [color=82ca9d]"Please don't leave me"[/color]. He took a few shallow breaths as he started to panic [color=82ca9d]"I cant be left alone out here! I don't know anyone. I don't know what to do without you! Please let me go with you! I'll pay for the full rent and everything is you stay!" [/color] "For gods sake grow up! I'm tired of you being a dependent you are going to learn to survive on your own. Good bye. I'm leaving tomorrow" The call ended. Sonny looked at the phone in horror before redialing over and over only for the call to be declined each time. He held the phone to his chest as he looked around [color=82ca9d][i]'what now'[/i][/color]. He's going to alone! what should he do!. He started to hyperventilate at the thought of his friend leaving. Soon he counted to 3 and took in his surroundings. Where was he? Great he wondered off again not paying attention to where he was going.....Again. The sidewalk was filled with people hurrying along. He looked at the building and saw through the glass; there was pretty people chatting and talking inside. Letting out a sigh Sonny calmed himself [color=82ca9d][i]'I still have one day until....the unknown'[/i] [/color]. Taking a deep breath he wondered around the new crowded streets hoping to find a familiar street name. He continued walking observing the tall brightly colored buildings and extravagant signs. Well they don't call it shine city for nothing.