Glowing water, inhumane smell, distant skittering... kenneth racked his brain trying to think up what the skittering was. Not that it mattered, it would likely want to eat his face off regardless of what it was. Then he and the rest of the group stumbled upon it. "Eggs... means we're smack dab in the middle of a nest... check your corners people! For all we know something is already silently pouncing one of us to the ground!" Kenneth flicked the safety of his laser rifle off. The red light near the crosshairs lit up. It was armed and primed to fire at a mere squeeze on the trigger. He briefly considered firing into the mound of eggs, but decided to watch around for a possible ambush instead. He'd rather have freshly hatched ankle-biters nibbling at his feet than a slavering, angry mom-beast seperating his torso and legs.