Archetype: The Insect Name: Stuart Jones Alias: Yellow Jacket Age: 25 Powers: Stuart's powers come from the symbiotic primordial ooze that is within his body and also is what his costume is made out of. High speed flight: Yellow Jacket uses large wasp wings that allow him to fly at a top speed of 300 mph. What makes him different from many other flying heroes is that his aerial maneuverability is incredible and is extremely hard to catch. Trying to knock him out of the air is like trying to swat a fly with only one hand and while his wings are not tough they will regenerate if they are destroyed. Sting Bolt: Stuart is able to shoot sharp barbs out of his body and these stingers have stunning effect to them when they pierce an enemy's body. Stingers: His body makes barbs extend out of his body and have the same stunning effect of his sting bolts. Sting Blades: Stuart creates two long stingers that he wields like swords and used almost exclusively for jabbing and thrusting in a style similiar to fencing. The Sting Blades are very sharp and can pierce metal, but they are quite vulnerable and can break easily when being used to block powerful attacks. Superhuman senses: Stuart's sense of smell is ten times stronger than a bloodhound and thus allows him to smell things from far away. This also makes him able to fight enemies in the dark by smelling their position. His eye sight allows him to have a 360 degree field of vision, which makes it hard to sneak up on him in daylight. Superhuman agility: Stuart is very agile and has agility greater than twelve men. Enhanced durability: his symbiotic suit is made up of a material that is as hard as bone and allows to take powerful blows, but it cannot protect him from gunfire and extremely strong hits. Way of The Yellow Jacket: Stuart has developed a martial art that utilizes his superhuman senses and agility to their potential and allows him battle multiple enemies is fast hand to hand combat. The martial art focuses on speed and agility of power and relies on quick strikes and jabs as well as using the surrounding environment to his advantage. Weaknesses: Insect killer is incredibly toxic to him and will severely weaken him and can kill him if exposed to too much of it. Insect repellent creates a very awful smell, to put it simply someone wearing bug spray smells like pure shit to Stuart and his superhuman senses make it almost unbearable. aside from his suit's protective armor Stuart has the same weaknesses as a human. Alignment: hero Personality: loyal, honest, funny, determined and fearful. Appearance: Stuart is about five feet and ten inches tall. He has bright red hair and dark green eyes. He has an athletic body that is fit for a martial artists. His suit is yellow and black and has a color design themed off of a Yellow Jacket insect. The suit is bio organic and has pads made of hard bone like substances. BRIEF Bio: Stuart was never a man without fear or born with parents that had a great destiny for him. Ever since he was young Stuart had a fear of wasps after an unfortunate incident as six year old involving a wasp nest being dropped on him as a prank. The large amounts of stings caused him to be hospitalized and he developed Spheksophobia otherwise known as a fear of wasps. This fear caused him problems at school and in everyday life when it was warm and the insects were flying around. As he grew older he had to learn to deal with his fears in order to try and live life as an adult. That's when he came across the primordial ooze. It said by some that all life came out of it eons ago and every creature on earth is connected to it. One day while hiking through the wild in his home state of Maine, Stuart came across a pool of the primordial ooze in a mysterious cave. The ooze seemed to almost call out to him and upon getting closer to inspect, the ooze reached out and latched onto Stuart. The ooze merged with him and in a panic Stuart ran out of the cave and unknowingly close to a wasps nest. A wasp stung him and the primordial ooze inside of him reacted to it and Stuart felt himself change as he began to feel the wasp's fear and what it was like to be one. It was in that moment that Stuart understood that there was nothing to be afraid of and he finally understood the insects. The ooze was able form a biological suit and granted him incredible powers. The ooze inside became one with him like symbiot of some sort and with his new powers Stuart sought to use them for the greater good of humanity. Storylines: his first story line will be him trying to see if he is ready for the challenge of heroics and the consequences that come with them. Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?]