[quote=@SCaster] It's good to see that RPG has finally sorted the issue of the Spambots. I've been keeping this site tabbed for what feels like forever, now, waiting to register and get properly introduced to the community. Lemmi keep it brief with the following player stats! Sparrow Lancaster 25 Transgendered Male (Don't care about pronouns, though.) 16 years roleplaying experience. (That's right, since I was nine!) Fantasy, science fiction, modern, slice of life, horror... I love it all. I hope to get along with everyone, and find some reliable writing partners to orchestrate a daring story with! [/quote] [b]Sparrow Lancaster[/b] [b][i]SPARROW LANCASTER[/i][/b] Ndiejfir ur name is #2kool4me. Seriously, please let me use your name for a roleplay (political). It's just so ... badass. So so so badass. ;__;