[hider=Hollow][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fXRtWMY.png[/img] [color=hotpink][b]ARCHETYPE[/b][/color] Wildcard II [color=hotpink][b]NAME[/b][/color] Hans Schmidt [color=hotpink][b]ALIAS[/b][/color] Hollow [color=hotpink][b]AGE[/b][/color] 24 [color=hotpink][b]POWERS[/b][/color] Insanely powerful telekinesis, able to exert extreme force with ridiculous precision. He also possesses clairvoyance, the ability to perceive everything as though he was constantly watching from any distance or angle. [color=hotpink][b]WEAKNESSES[/b][/color] Hollow cannot extend his power beyond about 3 feet, just beyond his arms reach. As a side effect of his power, Hollow's vision is also greatly reduced outside of his influence. He is not blind, but looking outside of his circle of influence is like looking through a fogged window. [color=hotpink][b]ALIGNMENT[/b][/color] Walking the Line [color=hotpink][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] Instigator Quiet Patient Lover of melodrama Confident [color=hotpink][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/color] In costume, Hollow wears a pure white hoodie beneath a black leather vest. He wears black combat boots and jeans. His face is obscured by a simple metal mask that only goes up to the top of his nose. [color=hotpink][b]BIO[/b][/color] Born to parents immigrating in from Germany, Hans was raised on a strange amalgamation of both German and American culture. As he grew, Hans sought out a career in the musical industry, believing that he could truly make it big. However, his labors ended up being for naught as he was, in all truth, terrible at his craft. Instead, he turned to the musical theatre to express himself. Over the years, he slowly developed his power from a source he refuses to reveal (mostly because he himself doesn't know the source). A more noble man would have used his power for good, stopping villains. A more ambitious man would have used his power for personal gain, becoming a villain. Hans was neither of these things -rather content to roam the world, hunting down any superhero on supervillain conflict and amplifying it in whatever way he could. [color=hotpink][b]STORYLINES[/b][/color] To find and amplify any conflict he possibly can -tipping the scales away from the winning side. [color=hotpink][b]NOTES[/b][/color] -/- [/center][/hider] [s]Got the CS filled out. Let me know what you think[/s] Scratch that, sorry. I'm gonna have to drop this RP, another one higher on my priorities just got kickstarted, and I don't think I'll have time for this. Sorry for the bait and switch there, haha