Underneath a busted lamp with an empty bottle of booze dangling from his gnarly fingertips, Dunnaman sat and observed quietly as Resolution stormed forth and robbed a woman blind. Literally standing less than a foot away from another. . . Er. . .Woman? Through narrowed eyes he tried to piece together the image through a haze of drunken stupidity. "A man?" He mumbled to himself with a mouth half-filled with a liquor that left an incredibly unpleasant aftertaste. He almost chewed the drink before swallowing it, his eyes settled intently on the one with a questionable gender. For another few moments he glared at Xiomara before giving up and settling on the idea that it was in fact a mystery and one that he wasn't sober enough to solve or care. Right as he had settled him mind, he noticed the situation escaling rapidly. Jen had stood and was lashing out in frustration towards the mechanized mischief maker with a harsh slap to the face. Liu, the Bartender whom he always kept happy with the barter he brought in, sent over the new barmaid to draw her away from the gathering storm. Though if she's here she's probably strong enough to handle your average rabble rouser. Though if they're here, they're probably not your average rabble rouser. "Hmm." The thought hadn't occured to him that this woman might be in genuine danger until right about now, you know, the moments after the slap. Ria spoke to him as he rose from his seat, the wooden seat squeaked in relief as his tremendous weight rose. For a moment he reached out to use Ria as a support but his hand stopped just short of her shoulder and his finger curled. He had almost forgotten how much he weighs until the sounds of the seat reminded him, good thing too, he didn't want to hurt the poor girl by dropping near a ton on her. With a sniff and a huff, Dunnaman pushed himself out of the shaded corner noisily. Having to sit back down and scoot a few feet to get past the table without knocking it over, rising once more to an annoying protest from the seat. "Quiet you!" He muttered angrily towards the seat, speaking just loud enough for Ria to hear his words. They were so heavily accented and slurred that one might not even be able to recognize it as English. He scratched at his side for a moment, the rising and falling shook his belly a bit and it felt uncomfortable now. Or maybe it was because he finally shifted all of his weight after an hour or so of drinking. Probably both. Dunnaman turned towards the Hell Machine with a swift look, his jowls shaking slightly as they caught up with the rest of his face. Both his hair and beard flowed past him in unison, waving in an unnatural fashion. Caused by no wind that was present in the room, they seemed to move totally independent of his face. "You!" Hollered the drunkard in a voice that was so booming and deep that it rattled the lantern behind him. It bumped the back of his head as it swung. "Yes you, the metal devil! How dare you thieve in front of me?" Extending his right hand forward and widening his feet, putting his right foot down sharply and stretching his left leg way behind his body. His left arm reached down towards the weapon on his hip and removed the fasten that held it in place. "I'll show you what for! You thieving hooligan!" Or something to that effect, what actually flowed from his mouth was drunken babbling that sort of resembled what he said, but was definitely not what he said. Eh, whatever the case may be, it would be confusing to everyone involved either way.