[center][h3]「[url=https://youtu.be/VZ-jPdpT5R8]Ties That Bind[/url]」 [img]http://i.imgur.com/ONcuXRL.png[/img] [color=#E4D00A]Jedly[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] At first, Jedly thought one of the aforementioned L variants had decided to bombard their location and was about to resort to summoning Bennu. Luckily, that one way ticket to suffering was promptly burned to ashes when a man came rolling out of the hull of a KBot. He took the brief moments he had to analyze the new arrival. The guy was surrounded by an affluent aura, he screamed high class, somebody who had an array of silver spoons offered to him the second he came out of the womb. But since he had essentially just turned himself into a ballistic missile, by society’s standards he would have been classified as a bonafide badass, who melted such silver spoons and drank them alongside money soup. So instead of giving the masked patrician the cold shoulder, Rachel, Juno and Jedly held up signs with the numbers [b]10 10 8[/b] crudely painted respectively. [color=pink]”Whaaaaaaa? Only an eight Cipher?! What a crummy critic.”[/color] [color=#E4D00A]”Attentive is more like it, young Rachel. Yes, his entry and exit were of the uttermost precision, but did you pay close attention to his form [i]within[/i] that hunk of junk? His transition was not as smooth as the rest of his performance. Why yes, the blood of a true judge flows within me!”[/color] Jedly shouted, holding a fist and his head high up to the sky as blinding light flashed wickedly behind him. [hr][color=pink][i]Eheh~! Kidding, kidding! What, a girl can’t dream of her standoffish friend actually acting like a normal human being for once? Well, I’ll admit that the scene above isn’t exactly normal… Well, anyways, here’s what REALLY happened.”[/i][/color][hr] The three didn’t know whether to act apprehensive or embracing of the guy. Even his tie remained in pristine quality, without even a measly smudge of dust or grime on it. Before anybody could exchange any form of greeting, Juno rocketed her way to the man’s side, [color=#FA8072]”Look out!”[/color] Another N variant had its forearm raised, about to bring it down like a striking hammer. The pink haired maiden skidded to a halt beside him and manifested a small heart case which took the brunt of the attack. With the fine flick of her wrist she then enlarged it so that it fully over-shrouded and called out, [color=#FA8072]”Open up on it!”[/color] As soon as her words were conducted through the air, two faint thumps went off from both of their sides. Two rockets flew from parallel rooftops and struck the bot without delay. The bot uncontrollably stumbled around as fire poured out of the gaping holes, even in this state it attempted to establish some form of balance in hopes of a programmed recovery. An armada of bullets assaulted the wounded bot’s armor and progressively wore down the metal. The main defense line in cohesion with Jedly and Rachel focused fire on various parts, directed by the GFS squad leader's orders. It wasn’t long before the KBot tumbled into the pavement and was enveloped in a brilliant explosion. After the havoc died down, the only the ambiance cinders and sparks could be heard. Juno breathed a sigh of relief as the heart case dissipated while the GFS Peacekeeprs reloaded and conversed among themselves. The girl spun herself around and smiled amiably with an outstretched hand. [color=#FA8072]”Well, totally was not expecting somebody drop in on our shebang… Literally that is.”[/color] She chuckled as her friends convened on her, [color=#FA8072]”I’m Juno, the proponing deity of marriages and ties. Aaaaaaaaand I guess I’ve built myself a bit of a tactical reputation?”[/color] Quick-witted and fair judgement was more like it. Cipher was still a little skeptical of the man, but he hoped the helicopter veering towards them had cargo that was on their side. [color=#FA8072]”The delinquent’s name is Cipher, and the innocent girl next to him is Rachel.”[/color] Rachel energetically waved, appreciative of the title, which yet again didn’t fit due to the rifle in her other hand. Jedly relaxed his little posture a little bit, the highest form of friendliness he showed strangers, not like the masked man would know that or anything. [color=#FA8072]”Sorry, hold up a moment- Um, sir! Can we get an update on the checkpoint? I’m sure it’s not long before the next wave arrives.”[/color] The squad leader nodded and began to speak over his radio. Just then, gunfire from one of the rooftops broke the short-lived leisurely mood. A Peacekeeper’s voice blared over the radio, barely audible over the hell that had broken loose. [color=#E4D00A]”Rachel and I will head up top and help them out. Keep things under control down here Juno.”[/color] Jedly spoke instantaneously and departed with Rachel in lieu. The deity nodded as her friends hurried off and disappeared behind a right side building’s doors. She had full faith in their abilities to get those soldiers out alive. At least those that were still alive. [color=#FA8072]”Squad leader! Have the fireteam on the left side regroup on us! We don’t want any crossfire or unnecessary casualties!”[/color] She turned back to the masked man and brandished her sword, a spirited smile stretched widely between her cheeks, [color=#FA8072]”You ready?”[/color] [@LokiLeo789][@Kurai Assassin]