[@Dynamo Frokane] [hider=Nicky Gaelic] Name: Nicky Gaelic Role: Wheeler D.O.B. 2001 June 28 Height: 5,6 Weight: 132 lbs Nationality: American New York Appearance: [hider=Without gear] [img]http://static.yourtango.com/cdn/farfuture/JlrambHV9PqdYNk2sn4-Esj7F9P87XhFds1CKsVvr1c/mtime:1429472157/sites/default/files/styles/header_slider/public/image_blog/short-hair-tat.jpg?itok=Wu0OHkLE[/img] [/hider] [hider=Gear] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/4e/4a/234e4a46af3ded15e04090da7ec81a0f.jpg [/img] [/hider] Background: Nicky grow up in new York city with her mother and father, Her mother own a café shop call Sapphire café, while her father own a machine repair shop where he can fix any type of machine, Nicky often help her mother in the café being a waiter you know boring stuff but in her dad repair shop however she can see how really good he was fixing and building machine like cars and many things. By the time she was middle school she try to study Engineer/Mechanic so she can try helping out her dad but due with the riots in his shop area she can't go to his shop, so for her free time she read books about Engineer and Mechanic and try to build things or fixing things some were success and some well made the house blackout for trying fixing the TV or the house lights and black smoke proofing in her face from fixing or building a vehicle. By the time she turn 17 her family move to neo bay to get away from the riots that becoming more dangerous, her father was staring to notice Nicky developing her with Engineer/Mechanic skill so he sign her up in auto Mechanic school where she was developing her skill was going really wall and she build her own bike when she was 18 which she still have and her name was [url=https://cdn.rideapart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-shot-2014-10-13-at-6.40.39-AM.png]Red daisy.[/url] When she graduated she doesn't know what to do with her life she did finish auto Mechanic school and it 2031 she doesn't know what to do. until one day she receive a message that it talk new programme called C.O.P.S. at first nicky hesitated but she think about her future thinking that she doesn't want to do anything, so she think about until she make up her mind so join C.O.P.S. Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7s_j5M57e8]The Ghosts Of Beverly Drive[/url] [/hider]