Titania had been about to add her two cents to the strange boy who had appeared from nowhere but when her mouth opened to speak her world went black. In that moment sheer terror engulfed her, what if the other side woke up instead of her? That was the last thought before blackness. When life breathed back into her it was as if someone had lit a furnace, because the moment that the system lights turned back on Titania started thrashing wildly and trying to unbind herself in a furious rage, the first thing to get thrashed loose was the gag and her voice was sickeningly different from before, "[i][color=9e0b0f]Filthy Human pigs!!![/color][/i]" Her hands started to heat up rapidly in a crazed attempt to remove her binds, "[color=9e0b0f][i]Hades Wont be able to pick your soul out of the mush I turn you and everyone you care about into!!!![/i][/color]" Suddenly metal seemed to just spread out of her spine and in a moment her skin had become steel armor, all except her hands which were now so hot they were giving off quite a bit of light, most metals would melt with even a touch of her molten skin. In perfect Greek she screamed, "[color=9e0b0f][i]Έλα , επιτρέψτε μου να γευτεί τη σάρκα σου![/i][/color]" [hider=Translation]"[color=9e0b0f][i]Come on, let me taste your flesh!!![/i][/color]"[/hider]