[@Kit DewStein] Titania had continued thrashing wildly until she had managed to remove her blind fold, she would have started cursing the people in the cage with her but...suddenly she was shoved and before she could attack and slaughter that bitch, she slammed her head hard into something behind her making a very loud metallic ping and once again...Blackness. After a few moments of sleepy time, Titania's lights flickered back on, this time much more calm than before. Taking a good moment she looked around, "[color=ed1c24]Oh gods am I in prison?[/color]" no that wasn't it she wasn't in a prison and there were others here each of them looking vastly different, "[color=ed1c24]Slave traders...[/color]" Titania looked about frantically beside her was a girl with elven ears, "[color=ed1c24]did you see me hurt anyone? Please tell me I didn't kill anyone...[/color]"