[h2][color=gold]| The Merchant |[/color][/h2] [hider=Image][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/37/ed/ae37ed19844af7f44956a8cf5ca17425.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][color=gold][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Edoric[/indent] [b][color=gold][ORIGIN][/color][/b] [indent] Sikth[/indent] [b][color=gold][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]Mid to Late Twenties[/indent] [b][color=gold][APPEARANCE][/color][/b] [indent]Making a living off of trade and caravaning, Edoric has quite a sturdy, enduring build despite his otherwise ordinary looking frame. Nearing six-feet, he often has an air of assurance and professionalism about him, not doubt a facade he's had to wear for his line of work that has stuck. However, he doesn't exactly have an imposing figure, one that can stand out no doubt, but not one that could exactly strong arm someone. With an almost noble-like stance to his posture, his emerald eyes sit like jewels in a weathered face along with a tuff of silvery hair, Edoric sometimes radiates confidence, if not cockiness. Since his rebirth, he's found the additions of of broken chains around his wrists and ankles as well as quite the nasty scar around his neck. [/indent] [b][color=gold][PERSONALITY][/color][/b] [indent]Edoric is almost child-like in a way, always curious and always yearning for a next adventure to weave into one of his many tales he loves to tells. Perhaps it was this wanderlust that got him killed in the first place. He likes to pretend to be as brave an courageous as the noble knights of fairytales are, but is still scared of such things as the dark and heights. Some might dare say he tends to be hypocritical. One should not confuse his youth-like nature for immaturity or stupidity however; Edoric's business aptitude as a merchant is a thing of itself, spilling over and turning him to be greedy and hoarding at times. At such times he can exist some pretty extreme pragmatism that focuses on his survival and fortunes. That said, he does have a charitable side to him and is willing to share, sometimes even for free.[/indent] [b][color=gold][SKILLS & TALENTS][/color][/b] [indent][b]Merchant of Sikth[/b] - Like many of his home kingdom, Edoric's ability to work with numbers and coin is only matched by his greed. Likewise, he is no stranger to shadier dealings or underhand tactics, as they say in Sikth after all, "the coin must be earned through any means". [b]Explorer's Endurance[/b] - Through many a travels through many a lands and environments, Edoric's stamina and endurance is easily able to match that of professional soldiers and knights even though he has little professional training in such areas. It also keep him quick on his feet for when jumping across unstable stones and logs atop a cliff waterfall are the only way forward.[/indent] [b][color=gold][INVENTORY][/color][/b] [indent][b]Blunted Broadsword [/b]- A once beautiful and sharp sword of brass and black leather with a blade that shone like sliver, now is chipped and dull and in desperate need of a touch up. As such, Edoric's only weapon cannot even be used as the sword it was made to be but instead acts more like a two handed club thanks to its hard sheath. [b]Merchant Knapsack[/b] - Every good merchant knows that even if you have a pack animal or ship, you should always have a personal bag. Unfortuantely, it seems that whatever Edoric had been carrying has long since been lost, looted or misplaced leaving him with little more than dust and rubbish. [b]Sikth Merchant Seal[/b] - A golden seal with delicate silver and gem given to those associated with one of Sikth's many trade companies or guilds and has seen great success. Edoric's appears to once been a sign of his aptitude but like so much of his belongings in their current state, is faded and worn, its regal nature long gone as only flakes of gold remain, revealing its true nature of stone.[/indent] [b][color=gold][GIFT OF REBIRTH][/color][/b] [indent][b]Mythic Movement[/b] - Perhaps a blessing of the Goddess of Aerya, Edoric's gift is one based in the art of movement. His body sometimes exhibits the rare and strange trait of ignoring the laws of physics or even his own body as he can run on walls, leap great distances, zip through halls and clamber up walls faster than even rangers with their tools. Of course his is not without its limited duration, however, Edoric seems to be able to sometimes draw upon a weaker version of this power effectively letting him "quick step".[/indent]