[@kusanagifire] I think the only thing to note about High Elves is that they are mana addicts, meaning they are addicted to using magic. I'm not sure if this is going to be reinforced though, so it might just be a minor thing. xD [hider=Summary of High Elf/Blood Elf history I found/explanation for mana addiction:] [quote]"So way back in time there was only one continent on Azeroth. And in the middle was this big ass lake that was just full of magic (for...reasons). A bunch of trolls set up shop next to this lake and became Night Elves. About 10,000 years ago Night Elf society was stratified into two groups, the Highborne who lived by the Well of Eternity (that's what they called the big ass lake) and we're all about using the magic from it, and everyone else. So basically the War of the Ancients happen and the Well implodes and yadda yadda yadda (but not before Illidan fills 7 vials up with magic well water). And Malfurion is now in charge and he bans the use of well magic. So Illidan says "screw you bro" and pours 3 vials into the pool at the base of Nordrassil and creates a new well of eternity but the dragons bless this one and it's all cool. However there's this group of Highborne who are like "wtf bro? No magic?" To which Malfurion responds "you can like it or gtfo". So they gtfo and Dath'remar Sunstrider gets a vial from Illidan and they get on a boat and go east to find a new home. Dath'remar and his Quel'dorei or "high elves" eventually end up on Quel'thelas and Dath'remar pours out the vial making the Sunwell. And then the High Elves live basking in the awesomeness that is limitless magic (and extended though not immortal lifespans, though that's probs just an elf thing not a Sunwell thing) for ~10,000 years. Then Arthas happens, he marches the scourge through Quel'thelas, kills 90% of the High Elves, and destroys the Sunwell. As it happens, when you live all day every day surrounded by and finely attuned to this overwhelming wash of magic you become "addicted" to it. (Like how people are "addicted" to like, oxygen). So Kael'thas comes home from Dalaran (he was one of the head mages there), appoints Lor'themar as regent while he goes and tried to find a solution to the whole "no more magic" thing. He ends up teaming up with Illidan and learning how to tap magic from Fel, and "capturing" a naaru. So he swings home to Silvermoon, drops these things off (which is why green eyes, there's a bit of Fel taint to the Blood elves) and then goes back to Netherstorm where he goes mad with power. Eventually the whole BC storyline happens, and the captured Naaru Muru is used to reignite the Sunwell which now emits this sort of holy/arcane blend of awesomeness and the problem is solved. Tl;dr: nobody else was exposed to pure arcane magic to the level and consistency that the high elves were."[/quote] [/hider]