[@Pair of Hearts] Good idea, I'll try! [hider=My attempt, not proofread, sadly :(] The door opened with a thump and the sound of hinges protesting as a torrent of rainwater entered the pristine lobby along with a soaked man. Sidestepping to the left just enough to close the now wide open door with a grunt, the brunet cursed softly under his breath as he finally prevailed against the strong gust of wind pushing the polished oaken panel of the heavy door against his palm. The outside world was grey and angry today, and going home was a solace that nearly made him forget the cold clinging to his skin from the now useless weight of his coat. His task done, he was about to sigh in relief when a soft thump from further along the house made him freeze. Jonas was sure that his girlfriend would not be out of bed due to her cold, so who was making that noise? Raven-coloured eyebrows furrowing in worry, the brunet quickly left his keys on the hook by the door and made his way to the source of the sound; the kitchen. As he approached, more sounds made themselves known, but as he arrived in the usually sunlit room... He only found a certain blond midget that should be resting making something sweet smelling, her cute face set into a rather intense moue of concentration as she stirred the mixture, her whole body messy with flour. Letting out a soft relieved laugh, Jonas approached the blonde with a gentle smile on his face. “What are you trying to make here, butter chicken?” Peeking into the bowl, the man's inquisitive finger was swapped away with a laugh as Mandy shook her head, a wide smile on her face. “No, silly, I'm making a cake, see?” Peering at her work, she suddenly looked worried “Does it look like butter chicken...?” Smiling once more and ready to reassure her about her baking skills, Jonas was startled by the next words she spoke. “It's for Nelson, he's out getting more butter for it.” What?! “My dad?” He croaked, eyes widening in mild horror. “Yeah! He passed by to see you!” Mandy said, beaming a sunny smile up at him with her cheeks pink with proud excitement. Shit... [/hider]