In this thread you will find various starter posts along with a short explanation of the setting and/or plot. Should something interest you, claim it and I'll start us up with a thread where you'll be free to chat with me about the details in the OOC. Should you find we don't match one way or another, well, at least we won't waste our time and hope on a doomed project, won't we? :) This thread will be updated as plot bunnies strike and as plots are claimed. [hider=Out of my Hands: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Escape and Capture (OPEN!)] He couldn't say if it was the mechanical voice of the central AI of the detention center or if it was the hollowness of his steps that made him do it, but do it he did. He was sick of this job, of doing atrocities in the name of a tyrant that would not show his face to the world. He was empty, numb, and maybe he wanted to repent of his sins by one little act of rebellion... he honestly could not tell. As it was, it was he who killed his fellow warden, who entered the code that would cut the power from the cell doors and set the prisoners free. It was he who made order into chaos, pristine injustice into bloodstained retribution. Heart hammering upon his heaving chest, he felt a strange sort of euphoria as he shed the loathed uniform he had worn for so long, his pistol cold against his now naked hand as he clutched it before him. He would surely be caught, but he would be caught fighting, he would be caught of his own free will among the bulled ridden bodies of his former colleges. Yes, should he not make it, he would still leave something for that cursed city to think about. Maybe he had lost his mind after too many nights sleepless from guilt-ridden nightmares, but honestly he did not care at the moment. He felt light and giddy, and is was with a mad grin that he sprinted away from the scene of his crime, the cooling body he had shot in the back slumped bonelessly over the monitoring consoles overlooking Block G. With such a highly guarded prison, it was surprisingly easy to collect the codes of all his fellow warden, with a few pitiful acts and the impression of a coward, he knew everything that was going on in here. Oh, he had not planned to do it, of course, but power corrupted, and knowledge even more so, he supposed. His place was no longer here. As he peaked over the corner of a corridor, he was met with the sight of a squad of Disciplinary Enforcers coming his way. Breath itching in fright, he hid inside an alcove as his survival instinct finally resurfaced. Too late, they had spotted him. As it was, he did not die fighting after all... Later, as she ordered the janitors to clean up the mess after the cells were made operational again, Irene Wagner thought about her options. Steely eyes racking over her men, she finally found four promising recruits and gestured for them to approach her. They did so, their posture both awed and fearful as was protocol when addressing a superior. “You four, I want all inmates back in their cell by week's end. Are we clear?” Her tone leaving no doubt of what would happen should she be disobeyed, it was no surprise that her order was met with stiff salutes and 'yes, ma'am'. “Dismissed,” with a gesture of her gloved hand they were gone, and she was left to face the press to minimize the damages. She also knew perfectly well what would happen should she herself prove to be sub par to her superiors. As the blond woman walked away, her boots left faint traces of slowly congealed blood, as if an ill omen for any who crossed her path. [b]Idea:[/b] Made with many expendable characters that can change from minor to major roles at a whim, this is a dark piece as a military police seek out escaped prisoners from a high security state prison. Lots of shades of grey to be seen, to be sure! [/hider]