[@Kit DewStein] Hope slowly began to wake up, she knew right away her bow and arrow were gone, the next thing she noticed was that her hand and feet had been tied. The gag in her mouth prevented her from speaking and the blindfold keep her seeing, but the it did not keep her hearing or keep her from using the senses she has left. She listened to the people talking about those in the cage which tells me its not just I here. Hope closed her eyes behind the blindfold and took a deep breath slowing her breathing to try to figure out how many people were in this cage but it was hard cause all have woken it she was able to detect three other beside herself and one of them was Bala since the woman in charge said his name. She heard the woman mention that we in this cage would be sold tomorrow afternoon. Which meant we had less then a day to get ourselves out of this mess. I started to slowly test what was binding my hands together to test its strength, with a little time I free my wrists no problem but with not know how much time I had exactly I was going to have to think of something and fast.