[centre]-Delcastle-[/centre] [centre]-Afternoon / day 17 / LvL 12-[/centre] Delcastle turned to the speaker and quickly hid his self doubts under the easy smile of the business man, the confident go getter guild leader that he knew would conquer this floor and every other one. Maybe he wouldn't be the one who scored the hits on the big bosses but he would be the ones that put swords in their brave hands. Many times in games like this the people buying gear had no concern for how the item was acquired. They cared about what they paid. Not who risked life and limb to overcome the mini boss lurking in the middle of no mans land holding the only item drop available. Those men would fall, as they always did, to people who had the patience and resolve to gather knowledge. "Ah, Tailpin my man. Startled me there." He chuckled, entering the light of the streets. "Preparations are smooth so far. Though I fear we won't have the man power of familiar faces to help us on our way through. But that isn't important at the moment." Delcastle opened his menu and opened up his alchemy tab, already at the maximum level for this zone, and scrolled through till he hit the proper tab. A quick press of the button and the corresponding items dropped into his hand from inventory. "I made a discovery that you might be interested in." Delcastle held two bottles, one was the most sickening shade of green he had ever witnessed in a jar, and the other was an oily liquid. "The game has a discovery function. If you experiment with materials physically you can create new things. May I introduce Toxic coat, a poison weapon buff, and Oil flask, which increases fire damage dealt to a target with the debuff. These are just two of the items I managed to discover and we have a surplus of it at the moment." Delcastle rattled through his menu and send a trade request, dumping over 50 vials of toxic coat to his archer, along with some of the oil flask items. "IF you can find a fletcher you might be able to make those flasks into exploding arrows of some sort. lots of potential." Del firmly slapped Tailpin on the shoulder, absolutely brimming with joy as his mind focused back to more amusing ideas. "I haven't heard anyone make a find like this. You're a genius." The two exchanged a few more ideas as Del set off out the eastern gate, sending a PM to Cinera that he had moved on ahead to the gorge entrance. All other members were ordered to reach the rendezvous point ASAP. Another message was similarily sent to the aging man from the Inn. An invitation to join the gorge dungeon in two days time. ----------------------------- [centre][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/426b/f/2016/064/a/2/yeahyoufeelme_by_fenixking13-d9tzalz.png[/img][/centre] [centre]Day 17 / Afternoon / LVL 16[/centre] [centre][]HP[]100%[color=00a651]//////////[/color][][/centre] Dom snored loudly on his chair at the inn, fatigue giving way to full on sleep. To him the day was only just getting under way for most people and already his dreams were of the rekindling. His grand daughter had forgiven him and finally expressed herself. Contented snores escaped the nasal cavity of the Midnight fist, leader of Dark Omen. Dark omen... The name roused his mind when nothing else could, that sixth sense of danger that people experienced at strange times. Suddenly his eyes opened and he stood up reflexively, already armed as he screamed out. "DON'T TOUCH ME WITH BOOGERS ON YOUR HAND!!" The moment of senility faded as true consciousness faded in. Dom turned and saw Smart sitting oh so smugly as ever. Feeling a tad embarassed he sat back down and cleared his throat before speaking. "So... What's the word?"