Saya was trying to get her blindfold off using the bars of the cage. She tilted her head at an angle and got it off. The first thing she noticed was her brother next to her, also gagged and blindfolded. "Brother." she tried to say, but it came out sounding like "Mufhbuth," so she decided to communicate mentally with him. [i][color=0076a3]Brother, are you awake?[/color][/i] [i][color=f26522]You're here too!?[/color][/i] Alexander was surprised enough to hit his head on the bars of the cage even though he had woken up early enough to hear the conversation between their captors. [i][color=f26522]Wait, I should have known when they said bounty. Where are you?[/color][/i] [i][color=0076a3]I am beside you. One moment.[/color][/i] [i][color=f26522]Wait, you're the person who said Mufhbuth?[/color][/i] Saya already had disconnected with him before he asked that. The next order of business was the stupid gag which she contorted her face in a million different ways in order to slip off. That was the most faces she had made, well, ever. She slipped it off and it hung loosely around her neck. "Sorry for this," Saya said calmly since for what she needed to do she needed to enter his personal space. She used her teeth grab onto his sleeve and pull him closer to her so she could reach his blindfold ties. She tried pulling it upwards, but he was still too tall for her to do that, so she ended up pulling it downwards and making it look like a weird bandage that wrapped around his head and the bridge of his nose. She then pulled down the gag and let it take the same position as hers had. "So you did say mufhbuth." Alexander said, pulling himself upright. Saya looked to the side, as though she was looking into a camera before turning back to her brother and nodding. Alexander nodded before telling her what to do next. "These binds seem to be magic, but if you relax you should be able to slip free." he said to her. Saya nodded before relaxing her hands completely. It took some effort, but she managed to free both her hands. "Now, we'll need to get out of here before tomorrow afternoon, preferably early." Alexander said before thinking, [i][color=f26522]So I can kill them in their sleep.[/color][/i] "Right." Saya said with a nod. She then looked around to see who else was in the cage. Most of the people there were strangers and the few she knew were people she'd only just met. When she saw Fafnir, she tilted her head seeing his enraged and flaming state. "Hm? Sir Fafnir, are you trying to melt the cage?" she asked, genuinely curious. She thought it was a good idea. [@dragonmancer]