Me and my buddies had a 'boob timer' running to see how long it'd take for their to be boobs in the new season. As the episode continued we thought there may be no boobs at all in this episode! Then the red woman stripped off and we all cheered. A friend even said how he thinks she is so hot and he always lusts after her. A few moments passed and we all stopped cheering and looked at him. Ah Game of Thrones how you fail to disappoint. But yeah, seems her necklace thingy may be magic! Most interesting. The Red God actually does shit as opposed to any of the others. The Lord of light indeed seems to be the one true God (resurrection, visions and shadowy vagina assassins seem proof enough). I'm waiting for her to either resurrect John snow (though thought that would of happened or be hinted at by now) or at the very least for Stannis (who's death was suspiciously off screen) to come back as did… that guy from the brothers without banners we've all forgotten about (because if not that was a rather unsatisfying end to the 'greatest military mind' in Westeros. A single cavalry charge beats him? Really? Sure. Also where the hell did Gendry go? He still rowing to the mainland I wonder?