[quote=@Gimple] My rant(s). People refusing to roleplay with me because I have a low post count. Listen, I have been doing mostly PM roleplay since I got here, and on top of that, I assure you I have lots of experience. Quit judging my skills just based off of my time on this site, jeeze. Secondly, and this is no one's fault, really. But it sucks working on an advanced interest check for several days and then having no one bite or show any semblance of interest. I even made a bloody map! Grumble grumble. [/quote] I feel you, Gimple. Really, I do. I used to try and make RPs all the time, put in system. Go out of my way to give people as much control as possible, add stuff to make the worlds more interesting. Work on flavor text and ultimately in the end at best to get like 2 people interested, whom realistically I would of rejected due to the quality of their CS submissions back in the past. Honestly, Cost of Magic is the first RP people have actually turned interest in. It's like cooking over an oven, placing the pie on the window side in dodgy part of town and then coming back to find a letter saying "Nah" on top of it. It's one of the reason I went off RP'ing for like a...a year way back. For what's it worth. I thought it was good, I almost joined even but I I questioned if I could commit to it properly with my own one and RL stuff as well.